Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus


Dedicant or individual engaged

Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus

Other name

Ti(berius) / Cl(audius) Pom/peianus

Dedicant's gender


Dedicant's position /profession

Tribune of the legio, suposedly from equestrian order. Later developed full senatorial cursus (CIL XIII, 1766). He was a notable character during the Marcomannic Wars under Marcus Aurelius, know for have rejected repeatedly the imperial throne during the late second century.

Dedicant's status

Ordo senatorius
Conjuntos de fichas

Recursos enlazados

Fichas con "Dedicant/s: Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus"
Título Clase
42. Dedication to the Genius of legionis VII Geminae - Legio Objeto físico