Onomastic attribute/s_DEPHis
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Onomastic attribute/s_DEPHis
DEpHis (Divine Epithets in Hispania)
- (T?)endeiteris
Abadaegus Depending on the readings and interpretations, Abadaego is reconstructed in literature also as Aradaego or even Amoaego.
- Adecinus
- Aetobrigo
Alcides / Alceus Another name for Hercules in Latin tradition, it can work as a substitutive theonym (AE 1963, 16 )
- Aldumiaenses
- Alitrani
Aloniecus Toponymic onomastic complement from Gallaecia.
Am(b)runaeco Toponymic? Variant of Am[r]unaeco? In both cases appears as epithet of Arentius.
Am[r]unaeco Toponymic? Variant of Ambrunaeco? In both cases appears as epithet of Arentius.
Anabaraeco Common Gallaecian (Ourense region) element invoked together with Revve. Of unclear meaning and morphology (theonymic?), it seems related to aquatic environments (hydronym?). Previous readings have read (Revve)Ana and Baraecus, now dismissed except for later inscriptions (dissociation, Marco Simón 2018). Variant Anabaraego. Moralejo Álvarez, J. J. (2002), "El epíteto teonímico ANABARAECO". Boletín auriense, Tomo 32, 2002, págs. 77-86 . Prósper, B. M. (2009). "Reve Anabaraeco, divinidad acuática de las Burgas (Orense)". Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua, (9), 203-214. Marco Simón, Francisco (2018), ""Revve Anabaraego" y el "Dintel de los ríos" de Mérida: ¿Un ejemplo de disociación divina en el Occidente Hispano?". Antiqua et Mediaevalia (Anu.Filol.Antiq.Mediaeualia) 8/2018, pp. 501‐520.
Anaeci Local epithet with the common element ana-, possibly pre-Indoeuropean.
Anecice Toponymic?
Apillarae Epithet of local Matres. Hapax.
Aquae In the formula "Aquis Camenis", to the Camenae Waters.
Arconunieca An epithet of Navia/Nabia, ethnonymic?
Arousa(-?-) Local Lusitanian epithet. Plural and probably masculine. The ending is missing but would be in Lusitanian language.
Arquienob(o) Local Lusitanian epithet, in plural. Probably masculine. The ending of the word is missing, but it would be declined in Lusitanian.
Ascannus Unknown meaning. It may imply attachment or relation to a place.
Aseddiago Sometimes red "Seddiago". Unknown meaning, perhaps derived from a toponym for which various solutions have been proposed such as Segidia, Segiedia, Segedia or even Asidia.
- Asturicae Augustae
Asturicensium Related with convetual dedications to Genii.
- Augustalis
- Augustorum
Augustus -a Extended epithet in all the regions of the Roman Empire. See in extension: Villaret, Alain (2016): Les dieux augustes dans l’Occident romain: un phénomène d’acculturation. Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III. It is generally related to the imperial cult or imperial power (first category). If accepted a devalued meaning of Augustus, the term can be interpreted as honour or for naming a divine category, such as Deus or Sanctus (second category).