Verecunda - Markouna


Verecunda - Markouna





District / Delegation


Prefecture / Province





35.4887175, 6.2897085 

Site's ancient name


Roman province


Territorial context


Item sets

Linked resources

Filter by property

Title Alternate label Class
0646 - Templum Divi Cari from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0649 - Dedication to Divus Carus and the Numen Augusti from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0789 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0900 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0901 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0902 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0903 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0904 - Dedication to the Genius Populi from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0905 - Dedication to the Genius Ordinis from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0906 - Dedication to a Genius from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0911 - Dedication to the Genius Vici from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0965 - Dedication to Iuno from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
0984 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
1135 - Statua Marsyae from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
1205 - Dedication to Minerva from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
1207 - Dedication to Minerva, Iuppiter and Iuno from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
1258 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Augusti from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
1292 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Augusti from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
1297 - Dedication to the Numen Domus Augustae from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
1334 - Inscription mentioning a Numen from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
1586 - Dedication to the Victoria from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
1614 - Dedication to the Victoria from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
1615 - Dedication to the Victoria from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
1691 - Flamen perpetuus from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
2014 - Aedes from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
2015 - Flamen perpetuus from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
2016 - Augur from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
2017 - Votum from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object
2018 - Flamen perpetuus from Verecunda - Markouna Location Physical Object