
Onomastic attribute


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Human > Parental

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Onomastic attribute 1
Title Alternate label Class
0789 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Verecunda - Markouna Physical Object
0797 - Dedication to the Genius Kastelli Elefantum from Castellum Elefantum - Ibn Ziad Physical Object
0892 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
0900 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Verecunda - Markouna Physical Object
0901 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Verecunda - Markouna Physical Object
0902 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Verecunda - Markouna Physical Object
0903 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Verecunda - Markouna Physical Object
1723 - Dedication to the Dea Patria from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1951 - Dedication to the Dea Patria from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
3061 - Dedication to the Genius Patriae from Zattara - Koudiat el-Batoum Physical Object
3110 - Dedication to Minerva from Bezereos - Sidi Mohammed Ben Aissa Physical Object
3139 - Dedication to Hercules from Thugga - Henchir Chett Physical Object
3560 - Statuae Genii Patriae from Uchi Maius - Henchir-Douamis Physical Object
3626 - Templum Geni Patriae from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
5159 - Dies natalis Herculi from Sufes - Sbiba Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 2
Title Alternate label Class
0913 - Dedication to the Genius Coloniae Veneriae Rusicadis, the Genius Patriae and Annona from Rusicade - Skikda Physical Object
1246 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Augustorum and the Dea Patriae from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object