Carthago - Carthage


Carthago - Carthage





District / Delegation


Prefecture / Province





36.852860, 10.323393

Site's ancient name


Roman province

Africa Proconsularis

Territorial context


Item sets

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Title Alternate label Class
2057 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2059 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2060 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2061 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2062 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2063 - Dedication to bᶜl ᶜmn from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2064 - Dedication to bᶜl from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2065 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2066 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2067 - Dedication to tnt and ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2068 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2069 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2070 - ndr from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2371 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2544 - Defixio calling upon Chaos and Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
2920 - Dedication to Isis and Serapis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3120 - Dedication to Ὄσιρις from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3224 - Dedication to Heros from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3225 - Fetialis and sodalis Augustalis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3226 - Dedication to Silvanus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3227 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3228 - Dedication to Mater Magna and Atis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3229 - Inscription mentioning a Numen from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3230 - Dedication to Caelestis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3231- Inscription mentioning Spes and Vulcanus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3232 - Inscription mentioning a Dea from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3233 - Ara from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3234 - Religiosi from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3235 - Dedication to Silvanus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3236 - Temple offerings from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3237 - Templa from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3238 - Templa from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3239 - Lustratio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3240 - Dedication to the Numen Caelestis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3241 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3242 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3243 - Inscription mentioning a Numen from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3244 - Dedication to the Dii Parentes from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3245 - Dedication to Minerva from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3246 - Dedication to Minerva from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3247 - Dedication to Victoria from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3248 - Dedication to Iuppiter and Iuno from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3249 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3250 - Augur and Pontifex from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3251 - Pontifex from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3252 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3253 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3254 - Flamen perpetuus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3255 - Dedication to Attis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3256 - Dedication to Mater Magna and Attis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3257 - Dedication to Diana and Caelestis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3258 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3259 - Inscription mentioning the dii from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3260 - Dedication to Serapis and Neptunus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3261 - Dedication to Serapis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3262 - Dedication to Baal from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3263 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3264 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3265 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3267 - Dedication to Mercurius and Mars from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3268 - Dedication to Minerva from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3269 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Augusti from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3270 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Augusti from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3271 - Devota from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3272 - Flamines perpetui from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3273 - Ara from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3274 - Dedication to a Deus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3275 - Inscription mentioning Memoria Diva from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3276 - Dedication to Iuno from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3277 - Sacerdos Iovis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3278 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3279 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3280 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3281 - Flamen perpetuus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3282 - Dedication to Hercules from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3283 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3284 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3285 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3286 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3287 - Dedication to Serapis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3288 - Dedication to Saturnus and Numen Sancto Patri from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3289 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3290 - Sacerdos Saturni from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3291 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3292 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Imperatoris from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3293 - Dedication to Pluto and Serapis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3294 - Augur from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3295 - Pontifex from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3296 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3297 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3298 - Aedes Concordiae from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3299 - Dendroforus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3300 - Flamen from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3301 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3302 - Aedituus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3303 - Aedituus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3304 - Aedituus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3305 - Epitaph mentioning Fortuna from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3306 - Epitaph mentioning Elysii from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3307 - Epitaph mentioning Dii Superi from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3308 - Dedication to a Numen from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3309 - Dedication to a Numen from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3310 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3311 - Dedication to Aesculapius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3312 - Dedication to Aesculapius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3313 - Dedication to Bonus Eventus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3314 - Dedication to an Heros from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3315 - Dedication to Iuppiter and Silvanus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3316 - Dedicatio to Liber from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3317 - Dedication to Mater Magna and Attis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3318 - Dedication to Pluto and Ceres from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3319 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3320 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3321 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3322 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3323 - Dedication to Tellus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3324 - Dedication to Venus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3325 - Ara from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3326 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3327 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3328 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3329 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3330 - Sacerdos Aesculapii from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3331 - Sacerdos tauroboliatus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3332 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3333 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3334 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3335 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3336 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3337 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3338 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3339 - Sacrum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3340 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3341 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3342 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3343 - Inscription mentioning Atlanteus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3344 - Devotus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3345 - Flamen Iulialis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3346 - Sacerdotes Cereales from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3347 - Flamen perpetuus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3348 - Flamen divi Pii from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3349 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3350 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3351 - Sacerdotalis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3352 - Epitaph mentioning Superi from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3353 - Dedication to Aesculapius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3354 - Dedication to Caelestis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3355 - Sacerdos Cereris from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3356 - Sacerdos Cereris from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3357 - Inscrription mentioning a Deus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3358 - Dedication to Faunus and Ceres from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3359 - Dedication to Iuno from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3360 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3361 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3362 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3363 - Dedication to a Numen from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3364 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3365 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3366 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3367 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3368 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3369 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3370 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3371 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3372 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3373 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3374 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3375 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3376 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3377 - Sacerdos Saturni from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3378 - Ara from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3379 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3380 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3381 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3382 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3383 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3384 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3385 - [Votum] from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3386 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3387 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3388 - Sacerdotes from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3389 - Inscription mentioning a Numen from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3390 - Sacerdos Cereris from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3391 - Sacerdos Cereris from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3392 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3393 - Epitaph mentioning Musae and Camena from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3394 - Tumulus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3395 - Defixio mentioning the inferi and the dii Manes from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3396 - Defixio mentioning the Victoria from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3397 - Inscription mentioning Vulcanus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3398 - Inscription mentioning Vulcanus, Lymphae and Nympha from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3399 - Inscription mentioning Nymphae and Numina Phoebi from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3400 - Inscription mentioning Nymphae from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3401 - Inscription mentiong Amor and Nymphae from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3402 - Inscription mentioning Venus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3403 - Inscription mentioning Neptunus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3404 - Inscription mentioning Cupido and Satyrus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3405 - Inscription mentioning Genius, Asclepius and the Numina from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3406 - Inscription mentioning Victoria from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3407 - Dedication to Aesculapius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3408 - Dedication to Aesculapius from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3409 - Dedication to Caelestis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3410 - Templum Genti Augustae from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3411 - Dedication to Iuno, Minerva and Bellona from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3412 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3413 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3414 - Templum Securitatis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3415 - Dedication to Silvanus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3416 - Visus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3417 - Sacerdos from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3418 - Sacerdos Cereris from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3419 - Sacerdos Cererum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3420 - Flamen divi Nervae and magister Cereris from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3421 - Flamen perpetuus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3422 - Dedication to Mater Magna and Attis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3423 - Dedication to Iuno from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3424 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3425 - Dedication to Nemesis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3426 - Dedication to Pluto from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3427 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3428 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3429 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3430 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3431 - Votum from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3432 - Flamen from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3433 - Dedication to Neptunus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3434 - Fastigium Isidis from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3435 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3436 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3437 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3716 - Dedication to Terra from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3865 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3866 - Dedication to a Deus Vivus from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
3868 - Defixio mentioning a Δαιμόνιον from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
4467 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
4469 - Defixio mentioning a Daemon from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
4471 - Defixio mentioning a Deus Vivus Omnipotens from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5704 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5707 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5708 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5711 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5717 - Dedication to the Θεοί Εὐεργέται from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5718 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5719 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5720 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5721 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5722 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5723 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5724 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5725 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5729 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5731 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5732 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5734 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5740 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5741 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5747 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5748 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object
5749 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Location Physical Object