Uthina - Oudhna


Uthina - Oudhna





District / Delegation


Prefecture / Province

Ben Arous




36.607458, 10.172291

Site's ancient name


Roman province

Africa Proconsularis

Territorial context


Item sets

Linked resources

Filter by property

Title Alternate label Class
5037 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5037 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5037 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5037 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5037 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5038 - Dedication to the Genius coloniae from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5039 - Votum from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5040 - Flamen from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5041 - Dedication to Saturnus from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5042 - Dedication to a deus from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5043 - Dedication to Saturnus from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5044 - Flamen perpetuus from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5045 - Flamen perpetuus from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5046 - Consecratio from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5047 - Signum Aequitatis from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5048 - Devota from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5049 - Aedes Martis from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5050 - Dedication to a god Augustus from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5051 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5052 - Flamen perpetuus from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5053 - Flamen perpetuus from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5054 - Flamen from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5055 - Flamen from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5056 - Sevir Augustalis from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object
5057 - Flamen perpetuus from Uthina - Oudhna Location Physical Object