Cyrene - Shahhat


Cyrene - Shahhat








32.818347, 21.855537

Site's ancient name


Roman province

Crete et Cyrenaica

Territorial context


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Title Alternate label Class
5542 - Dedication to Ceres from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5585 - Dedication to Ἄρτεμις and Ἀπόλλων from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5586 - ἱερατεοι Διόνυσοu from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5587 - Dedication to Δημήτηρ and Κόρη from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5588 - Dedication to Κυρήνη from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5589 - Dedication to Ἄρτεμις from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5591 - Inscription mentioning a god Κουροτρόφος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5592 - Ἰέρεια and Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5593 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5594 - Dedication to the Διόσκουροι from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5595 - Dedication to the Διόσκουροι from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5596 - Dedication to Ζεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5597 - Dedication to Ζεύς, Ῥώμη and Σεβαστός from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5598 - Dedication to Ἀπόλλων, Ἑρμῆς and Ἡρακλῆς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5599 - Agens sacerdotium Apollinis from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5600 - Dedication to Ἀπόλλων from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5601 - Dedication to Ἀφροδίτη from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5602 - Dedication to Ἀφροδίτη from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5603 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5604 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5605 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5606 - Ἱέρεια from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5607 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5608 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5609 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5610 - Dedication to [Αθηνά] Παρθένος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5611 - Dedication to Δημήτηρ from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5612 - Templum / Ναός from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5613 - Ναός Ἀρτάμιτος and Πρόναος Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5614 - Dedication to Ἀπόλλων from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5615 - Νεὼς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5616 - Ναός τῆς Εἴσιδος and προσόδων τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5617 - Ναός τῶ Νυνφαγέτα and Προσόδος [τοῦ] Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5618 - Dedication to Ἄρτεμις from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5619 - Dedication to Ἄρτεμις from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5620 - Ἰαρὲς τῶ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5621 - Ἰαρεὺς τῶ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5622 - Ἰέρεια τᾶς Ἥρας from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5623 - Ἰέρεια τᾶς Ἥρας from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5624 - Ἀρχιερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5625 - Ἱαρές from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5626 - Dedication to Ἀπόλλων from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5627 - Dedication to Ἀπόλλων from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5628 - Dedication to Ἶσις and Σέραπις from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5629 - Dedication to Περσεφόνη from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5630 - ἱάρειαι from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5631 - Ἰερεύς τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5632 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5633 - Νυμφαῖον from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5634 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5635 - Ἰερεύς τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5636 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5637 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5638 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5639 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5640 - Dedication to the Νύμφαι from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5641 - Dedication to the Νύμφαι from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5642 - Ἰερεύς τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5643 - Ἰερεύς τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5644 - Νυμφαῖον from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5645 - Dedication to the Νύμφαι from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5646 - Ἰερεύς τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5647 - Ἰερεύς τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5648 - Ἰερεύς τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5649 - Ἰερεύς τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5650 - Ἰερεύς τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5651 - Ἰερεύς τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5652 - Ἰερεύς τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5653 - Dedication to Ἄρτεμις from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5661 - Ἰέρεια from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5662 - Ἰέρεια Ἥρας. from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5663 - Ναός τῶ Διὸς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5664 - Ἄγ̣αλμα τῶ Διὸς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5665 - Dedication to Ἡρακλῆς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5666 - Ἰερεῖς Ἀπόλλωνος· from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5667 - Dedication to the Πατήρ Θεός Σαμόθρᾳξ Ἀ̓θάνατος Ὕψιστος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5668 - Dedication to Ἀπόλλων from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5669 - Ἰερεῖς Ἀπόλλωνος· from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5670 - Dedication to Ἑρμῆς and Ἡρακλῆς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5671 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5672 - Dedication to Ἑρμῆς and Ἡρακλῆς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5673 - Dedication to the Μοῦσαι from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5674 - Inscription mentioning the Ἅιδης from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5677 - Ἰέρεια Ἀρτέμιδος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5678 - Ἰερεύς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5679 - Dedication to the Ὧραι from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5681 - Ἰερεύς Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5682 - Ἰερὸν and μαvτείον from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5683 - Ἰερεύς Ἀπόλλωνος from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5684 - Dedication to Ἑρμῆς and Ἡρακλῆς from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5685 - Dedication to the Μοῦσαι from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5686 - Dedication to Diana from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5687 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5688 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5689 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5690 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5692 - Dedication to Libya from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5693 - Dedication to Luna from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5694 - Dedication to Mars from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5695 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Imperatoris from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5696 - Caesareum = Καισάρειον at Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5698 - Caesareum at Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5699 - Augur from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5700 - Dedication to a goddess Augusta from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5701 - Caesareum at Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5702 - Sevir Augustalis from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object
5738 - Dedication to Τύχη from Cyrene - Shahhat Location Physical Object