J. Alvar Ezquerra, A. Beltrán Ortega, M. Fernández Portaencasa, V. Gasparini, J.C. López-Gómez, B. Pañeda Murcia, L. Pérez Yarza, "Divine Onomastic Attributes in the Graeco-Roman World. Proposal for a New Taxonomy", en A. Alvar Nuño, C. Martínez Maza & J. Alvar Ezquerra (eds.), Calling upon Gods, Offering Bodies. Strategies of Human-Divine Communication in the Roman Empire. From Individual Experience to Social Reproduction, Lausanne et al.: Peter Lang 2024, pp. 17-50.


This paper takes as its start point previous work on the classification of cult epithets and onomastic sequences, using this foundation to develop a new taxonomy that is “thematic” rather than “functional”. In doing so, it focuses on the diverse meanings that divine epithets could encompass in the Graeco-Roman world. The taxonomy advanced here seeks to capture the multifaceted aspects of divine onomastic attributes, adapted to the sense they have in the specific social and religious contexts in which they occur...

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