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Theonym 1
Title Alternate label Class
0491 - Dedication to the Nymphae and the Genius Locorum from Volubilis - Aïn Schkour Physical Object
1355 - Inscription mentioning the Nymphae from Aquae Flavianae - El Hamma Physical Object
1356 - Inscription mentioning the Nymphae from Aquae Flavianae - El Hamma Physical Object
1357 - Templum Nympharum from Aquae Flavianae - El Hamma Physical Object
1358 - Inscription mentioning the Nymphae from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
1359 - Inscription mentioning the Nymphae Flavianis Septimianis from Aquae Flavianae - El Hamma Physical Object
3399 - Inscription mentioning Nymphae and Numina Phoebi from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3400 - Inscription mentioning Nymphae from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
4717 - Dedication to Neptunus from A[---] - Medoudja Physical Object
5058 - Inscription mentioning the Nymphae from Oued Bezirk Physical Object
Theonym 2
Title Alternate label Class
0062 - Dedication to the Fontes and the Nymphae from Aïn Mouss Physical Object
1070 - Dedication to Iuppiter, the Nymphae and the Domus Divina from Casae - El-Mahder Physical Object
1241 - Dedication to Neptunus, the Nymphae and the Genius Loci from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1347 - Dedication to the Numen Aquae Alexandrianae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
3401 - Inscription mentiong Amor and Nymphae from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3938 - Dedication to Neptunus and the Nymphae from Capsa - Gafsa Physical Object
5409 - Dedication to Neptunus and the Nymphae from Thabbora - Sidi Ayed Physical Object