Reva - Reve


Lusitanian-Gallaecian god (goddess in some previous interpretations) also present among Astur people. Usually, Reva/Revve is invoked in water-related contexts. It can derive from radical *reu‐ (to flow, Villar 1993) and even some scholars suggest that works as an onomastic complement (similar to deus, genius, lar, and others... see De Bernardo Stempel 2011). An (arguably) case of that would be AE 1976, 298 (=HEp 7, 1997, 483; HEp 9, 1999, 449) dedicated...


Reva - Reve

Other name


Deity's gender



Lusitanian-Gallaecian god (goddess in some previous interpretations) also present among Astur people. Usually, Reva/Revve is invoked in water-related contexts. It can derive from radical *reu‐ (to flow, Villar 1993) and even some scholars suggest that works as an onomastic complement (similar to deus, genius, lar, and others... see De Bernardo Stempel 2011). An (arguably) case of that would be AE 1976, 298 (=HEp 7, 1997, 483; HEp 9, 1999, 449) dedicated to Deus Reve Larauco.
Variation of the theonym is Revve and perhaps Reo and Reae.

Redentor, A., "Testemunhos de Reve no ocidente brácaro", Palaeohispanica, 13, 2013, pp. 219–235.

De Bernardo Stempel, P. (2011), “Callaeci, Anabaraecus, Abienus, Tritecum, Berobriaecus and the new velar suffixes of the types ‐ViK‐ and ‐(y)eK‐“, in Mª J. García Blanco et al. (eds.) (2011), ANTIDORON. Santiago de Compostela, pp. 175‐194.

Villar, F. (1993), “El teónimo lusitano Reve y sus epítetos”, in W. Meid and P. Anreiter (eds.), Die grösseren Altdenkmäler (Akten des Kolloquiums Innsbruck, 29. April‐3 Mai 1993), Innsbruck, 160‐211.

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