Deus -a

Onomastic attribute

Deus -a

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Onomastic attribute category

Divine > Qualitative > Inherent > Substantial

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Other onomastic attributes
Title Alternate label Class
248. Dedication to Juno, Minerva, Sol, Luna, Fortuna, Mercury and other gods - São Miguel das Caldas Other onomastic attributes Physical Object
Theonym 1
Title Alternate label Class
30. Dedication to Deo Vago Donnaego - Asturica Augusta Physical Object
308. Dedication to Deus Larahe - Irujo, Guesálaz Physical Object
82. Dedication to the godess Degant*/Degante - Bergidum Flavium Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 1
Title Alternate label Class
1055. Dedication to Deus Vestius Aloniecus - Lourizán Physical Object
1056. Dedication to Deus Vestius Aloniecus - Lourizán Physical Object
11. Commemoration of a temple to Heracles - Petavonium Physical Object
119. Dedication to Fortuna - Tongobriga Physical Object
120. Dedication to the Ntymphs- Caldelas Physical Object
121. Dedication to the goddesses Useis - Atás Physical Object
122. Dedication to the Nymphs - Horta de Vilariça Physical Object
123. Dedication to Cario - Aquae Querquenae Physical Object
124. Dedication to Cosus - Viana del Bollo Physical Object
125. Dedication to Mercurius - O Rosal Physical Object
127. Dedication to Mars - Gondar Physical Object
128. Dedication to Larauco - Vilar de Perdizes Physical Object
129. Dedication to Iuppiter Optumus Maximus - Calvos de Randín Physical Object
130. Dedication to Sanctus Eventus - Bracara Augusta Physical Object
132. Dedications of pool and temple to Isis and Serapis - Panoias Physical Object
137. Dedication to Salus Dea Domina - Montánchez Physical Object
165. Dedication to Optimo Deo Belso - Aboim da Nóbrega Physical Object
17. Altar to Deus Augustus - La Isla (colunga) Physical Object
22. Votum to Mercurius - Carucedo Physical Object
27. Dedication to Dea Cenduedia - San Esteban del Toral Physical Object
280. Dedication to Dea Domina Nostra Abne - São Martinho do Campo, Santo Tirso Physical Object
282. Dedication to Deus Coso - Penafiel Physical Object
283. Dedication to Deus Turiaco - Santo Tirso Physical Object
284. Dedication to Deus Domeno Cusu Nemedeco - Burgães, Santo Tirso Physical Object
285. Dedication to Deus Dominus Nemedeco - Santo Tirso Physical Object
29. Dedication to Vaco Caburio - Asturica Augusta Physical Object
31. Votum to Deus Aernus - Civitas Zoelarum (Castro de Avelãs) Physical Object
310. Dedication to Deo(!) Tutela and the Genius Loci - Alhama de Aragón Physical Object
311. Dedication to Deus Magnus Peremustae - Eslava Physical Object
32. Votum to Aernus - Civitas Zoelarum (Castro de Avelãs) Physical Object
33. Votum to Aernus - Civitas Zoelarum (Olmos) Physical Object
34. Votum to Bodo - Villadepalos Physical Object
344. Dedication to Dea Nemesis- Castulo Physical Object
345. Dedication to Deus Cosue- Tugia Physical Object
346. Dedication to Deus Aironi - Uclés Physical Object
348. Dedication to Domina Caelestis - Ilici Physical Object
35. Dedication to Cossue Calvicelaeus Physical Object
358. Dedication to Drubune Necisad[e?]- Olmillos Physical Object
36. Votum to Cossuo Segidiaecus - Interamnium Flavium Physical Object
37. Dedication to the Queunuri - Pola de Gordón Physical Object
392. Dedication to Iuppiter Deus Candamus - Monte Cildá Physical Object
395. Dedication to gods and goddesses of the conventus deorum - Olea Physical Object
396. Dedication to Dea Minerva Victrix Conservatrix? - Atapuerca Physical Object
397. Dedication to Dea Minerva Victrix Conservatrix? - Atapuerca Physical Object
398. Dedication to deus Aius - Villafranca Montes de Oca Physical Object
399. Dedication to deus Neptunus- Clunia Physical Object
400. Dedication to deus Suttunius - Flaviagusta Physical Object
401. Dedication to deus Silvanus- Lences de Bureba, Paza de la Sal Physical Object
402. Dedication to deo Erudino - Torrelavega Physical Object
406. Dedication to Sol Invictus - Nova Augusta Physical Object
466. Dedication to Dibu(!) and Deabus Borcienses - Plasencia Physical Object
470. Dedication to the gods Calobedaicenses - Pozuelo de Zarzón Physical Object
485. Dedication to Dea Nabia - Alcantara Physical Object
486. Dedication to Dea Domina Sancta Bellona - Montánchez Physical Object
486. Dedication to Dea Domina Sancta Turibrigensis Ataecina - Santa Lucía del Trampal, Alcuésar Physical Object
487. Dedication to the Gods and Goddesses all - Mourão Physical Object
487. Dedication to the Gods and Goddesses all - Mourão Physical Object
494. Dedication to Dea Sancta - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
495. Dedication to Dea Sancta - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
496. Dedication to Dea Sancta Turibrigensis (Ataecina?) - Herguijuela Physical Object
497. Dedication to Dea Sancta (Ataecina?) - Herguijuela Physical Object
498. Dedication to Dea Sancta Turibrigensis Adaecina - Norba (Malpartida de Cáceres) Physical Object
499. Dedication to Dea Sancta Ataecina Turibrigensis - Norba (Malpartida de Cáceres) Physical Object
500. Dedication to Dea Invicta Caelestis and Nemesis - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
501. Dedication to Dea Sancta Proserpina - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
502. Dedication to Dea Sancta Proserpina - Vila Verde de Ficalho Physical Object
504. Ex-voto dedication to Dea Turibrigensis - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
505. Dedication to Dea Sancta Turibrigensis - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
506. Dedication to Dea Sancta Ataecina Turibrigensis Proserpina - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
507. Dedication to Dea Ataecina Turibrigensis - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
508. Dedication to Dea Ataecina Turibrigensis Proserpina - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
509. Dedication to Dea Ataecina Turibrigensis - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
510. Dedication to Dea Sancta? - São João Baptista, Campo Maior Physical Object
511. Dedication to the godess - Jarilla Physical Object
513. Dedication to Deus Mentoviaco- Muelas del Pan Physical Object
514. Dedication to Deus Mentoviaco - Zamora Physical Object
515. Dedication to the goddess or Deo Aerno - Cerezo Physical Object
517. Dedication to Mercury - Turgalium Physical Object
518. Dedication to Deus Neto- Turgalium Physical Object
519. Dedication to Deus Quangeius - Malpartida de Plasencia Physical Object
520. Dedication to Deus Quangeius - Jarandilla de la Vera Physical Object
521. Dedication to Deus Nitu[c?]eus - Cerezo Physical Object
522. Dedication to Deus Tritiaecius - Torremenga Physical Object
523. Dedication to Deus Quangeius - Penamacôr Physical Object
524. Dedication to Deus Mars Augustus - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
525. Dedication to deus dominus Mercurius - Montánchez Physical Object
526. Dedication to Uliso Igotereunus and Ulisonia - Collado de la Vera Physical Object
527. Dedication to Deus Dominus Sanctus Mercurius - Santa Lucía del Trampal, Alcuésar. Physical Object
528. Dedication to the gods and goddesses Nobranenses - Montehermoso Physical Object
529. Dedication to the gods of the Cairiensi - Escalos de Cima Physical Object
530. Dedication to Deus Sanctus Iuppiter? - Caesarobriga Physical Object
531. Dedication to Deus Optimus Maximus - Ibahernando Physical Object
532. Dedication to Deus Sanctus Iuppiter Solutorius - Oropesa Physical Object
533. Dedication to Deus Optimus? - Caesarobriga Physical Object
534. Dedication to Deus Invictus - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
535. Dedication to Deus Invictus - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
536. Statue of Mercury dedicated to Invictus Deus Mithras - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
537. Dedication to the Dibus Deabus Pinionensibus - Santiago del Campo Physical Object
538. Dedication to the Dei Lares (and genius?) - Capera Physical Object
539. Dedication to the Gods and Goddesses of the Coniumbrigenses - Numão Physical Object
565. Dedication to a Deus Invictus - Capera Physical Object
579. Dedication to I M Deo Tetaeco- Malpartida de Plasencia Physical Object
580. Dedication to Dea Nabia Mu[.]tina[c]ae - Ferro, Covilhã Physical Object
662. Dedication to (Ataecina?) Sancta Dea Domina Turibrigensis - Augusta Emerita Physical Object
714. Dedication to Dea Medica – Sirpe (Serpa) Physical Object
89. Dedication to Mars - Civitas Auriensis Physical Object
Theonym 2
Title Alternate label Class
488. Dedication to Dea Domina Sancta... Ataecina? - Santa Lucía del Trampal, Alcuéscar Physical Object
489. Dedication to Dea Domina Sancta Turibrigensis Adegina - Santa Lucía del Trampal, Alcuéscar Physical Object
490. Dedication to Dea Domina Sancta Turibrigensis Adaecina - Santa Lucía del Trampal, Alcuéscar Physical Object
491. Dedication to Dea Domina Sancta Turibrigensis Attegina - Santa Lucía del Trampal, Alcuéscar Physical Object
492. Dedication to Dea Domina Turibrigensis (Ataecina?) - Santa Lucía del Trampal, Alcuéscar Physical Object
493. Dedication to Dea Domina Turibrigensis Adecina Sancta - Santa Lucía del Trampal, Alcuéscar Physical Object
516. Dedication to Deo ENIRACILIMONCO? - Casas de Millán Physical Object
526. Dedication to Uliso Igotereunus and Ulisonia - Collado de la Vera Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 2
Title Alternate label Class
132. Dedications of pool and temple to Isis and Serapis - Panoias Physical Object
359. Dedication to Isis in honour of Avitaby order of Neto - Acci Physical Object
466. Dedication to Dibu(!) and Deabus Borcienses - Plasencia Physical Object
528. Dedication to the gods and goddesses Nobranenses - Montehermoso Physical Object
537. Dedication to the Dibus Deabus Pinionensibus - Santiago del Campo Physical Object
539. Dedication to the Gods and Goddesses of the Coniumbrigenses - Numão Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 3
Title Alternate label Class
132. Dedications of pool and temple to Isis and Serapis - Panoias Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 4
Title Alternate label Class
71. Dedication tp the Capitoline Triad - Asturica Augusta Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 5
Title Alternate label Class
248. Dedication to Juno, Minerva, Sol, Luna, Fortuna, Mercury and other gods - São Miguel das Caldas Physical Object