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Theonym 1
Title Alternate label Class
0148 - Dedication to Neptunus from Saldae - Béjaïa Physical Object
0470 - Dedication to Neptunus from Thamusida - Sidi Ali Ben Ahmed Physical Object
1223 - Dedication to Neptunus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1224 - Dedication to Neptunus from Aïn El-Aouad Physical Object
1225 - Dedication to Neptunus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1226 - Dedication to Neptunus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1227 - Dedication to Neptunus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1228 - Templum Neptuni from Aquae Thibilitanae - Hammam Meskhoutine Physical Object
1229 - Dedication to Neptunus from Chullu - Collo Physical Object
1230 - Dedication to Neptunus from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1231 - Dedication to Neptunus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1232 - Dedication to Neptunus from Gens Suburburum Colonorum - Aziz Ben Tellis Physical Object
1233 - Dedication to Neptunus from Mopti - Oued Deheb Physical Object
1234 - Dedication to Neptunus from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
1235 - Sacerdos Neptuni from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
1236 - Dedication to Neptunus from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1237 - Dedication to Neptunus from Thigillava - Mechta Djillaoua Physical Object
1238 - Dedication to Neptunus from Zarai - Zraia Physical Object
1239 - Dedication to Neptunus from Zarai - Zraia Physical Object
1240 - Dedication to Neptunus from Henchir Bou Chekifa Physical Object
1241 - Dedication to Neptunus, the Nymphae and the Genius Loci from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
2358 - Dedication to Neptunus from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2392 - Inscription mentioning Neptunus from Golas - Abu Nujaym Physical Object
2415 - Dedication to Neptunus from Physical Object
2492 - Dedication to Neptunus from Thignica - Aïn Tounga Physical Object
2816 - Dedication to Neptunus from Ain Zeroug Physical Object
2840 - Dedication to Neptunus from Ain el-Hamedna Physical Object
2905 - Dedication to Neptunus from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2906 - Templum Neptuni from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2907 - Dedication to Neptunus from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
3000 - Dedication to Neptunus from Hippo Regius - Annaba Physical Object
3403 - Inscription mentioning Neptunus from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3433 - Dedication to Neptunus from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3586 - Dedication to Neptunus from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3641 - Dedication to Neptunus from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3701 - Dedication to Neptunus from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3771 - Dedication to Neptunus from Fundus Ver[---] - Henchir el-Hatba Physical Object
3806 - Dedication to Neptunus from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
3938 - Dedication to Neptunus and the Nymphae from Capsa - Gafsa Physical Object
3960 - Dedication to Neptunus from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
3961 - Dedication to Neptunus from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
4468 - Dedication to Neptunus from Djeradou Physical Object
4854 - Dedication to Neptunus from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4863 - Dedication to Neptunus from Tituli - Mahjouba Physical Object
4904 - Dedication to Neptunus from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
4932 - Dedication to Neptunus from Althiburos - Fej el Tamar Physical Object
5034 - Dedication to Neptunus and the Numina from Nefidhet el-Mecid Physical Object
5119 - Flamen perpetuus from Sabratha - Sabratha Physical Object
5149 - Dedication to Neptunus from Sufetula - Sbeitla Physical Object
5278 - Dedication to Neptunus from Pheradi Maius - Sidi Khalifa Physical Object
5301 - Dedication to Neptunus from Civitas Siviritana - Henchir Smadah Physical Object
5352 - Dedication to Neptunus from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5380 - Dedication to Neptunus from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5409 - Dedication to Neptunus and the Nymphae from Thabbora - Sidi Ayed Physical Object
5415 - Dedication to Neptunus from Thubursicu Bure - Téboursouk Physical Object
5534 - Dedication to Neptunus from Zama - Al Jamah Physical Object
Theonym 2
Title Alternate label Class
3260 - Dedication to Serapis and Neptunus from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3962 - Dedication to Apollo from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
4717 - Dedication to Neptunus from A[---] - Medoudja Physical Object
5488 - Inscription mentioning Vulcanus and Neptunus from Tunes - Tunis Physical Object
Theonym 3
Title Alternate label Class
3785 - Dedication to Mercurius and Silvanus from Thysdrus - El Djem Physical Object
Theonym 6
Title Alternate label Class
3624 - Templa Concordiae, Frugiferi, Liberi Patris and Neptuni from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object