
Onomastic attribute


Onomastic attribute category

Divine > Operational > Institutional > Political > Power-related

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Onomastic attribute 1
Title Alternate label Class
2056 - Dedication to bᶜl from Bir Tlelsa Physical Object
2058 - Dedication to bᶜl and tnt from Thinissut - Bir bou Rekba Physical Object
2063 - Dedication to bᶜl ᶜmn from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
2071 - Dedication bᶜl from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
2074 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Thigibba - Ellès Physical Object
2075 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Thigibba - Ellès Physical Object
2077 - Dedication to a god ᵓdn from Bulla Regia - Hammam Darradji Physical Object
2080 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Abitinae - Chouhoud el-Batin Physical Object
2082 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Bagat? - Henchir Ghayadha Physical Object
2088 - Dedication to bᶜl ᶜmn from Zama - Al Jamah Physical Object
2090 - Dedication to bᶜl from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2091 - Dedication to bᶜl from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2092 - Dedication to bᶜl from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2093 - Dedication to bᶜl from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2094 - Dedication to bᶜl from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2096 - Dedication to bᶜl from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2097 - Dedication to bᶜl from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2098 - Dedication to bᶜl ᶜmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2099 - Dedication to bᶜl ᶜmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2100 - Dedication to bᶜl from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2100 - Dedication to bᶜl from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2102 - Dedication to bᶜl from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2103 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥ[mn] from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2104 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2106 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2107 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2108 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2109 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2110 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2111 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2116 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2117 - Dedication to bḥl ᶜmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2118 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2119 - Dedication to [bʿl] from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2120 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2121 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2122 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2123 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2124 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2125 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2126 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2127 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2128 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2129 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2130 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2131 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2132 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2133 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2135 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2136 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2137 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2138 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2139 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2140 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2141 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2142 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2143 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2144 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2145 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2146 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2147 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2148 - Dedication to bhl ᶜmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2149 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2150 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2151 - Dedication to bḥl[ from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2153 - Dedication to bḥl ᶜmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2154 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2155 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2156 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2157 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2160 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2161 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2162 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2163 - Dedication to bᶜl [ from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2164 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2165 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2166 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2167 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2177 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and nyᶜṭmn (?) from Althiburos - Fej el Tamar Physical Object
2178 - Dedication to bᶜl .mn from Sicca Veneria - Le Kef Physical Object
2196 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Thibaris - Thibar Physical Object
2197 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Tunisia Physical Object
2198 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Tunisia Physical Object
2200 - Dedication to bᶜl from Tunisia Physical Object
2201 - Dedication to bᶜl from Tunisia Physical Object
2203 - Dedication to bᶜl from Tunisia Physical Object
2205 - Dedication to bᶜl from Tunisia Physical Object
2206 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Tunisia Physical Object
2207 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Tunisia Physical Object
2208 - Dedication to bᶜl from Tunisia Physical Object
2215 - Dedication to bᶜl and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2216 - Dedication to bᶜl and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2217 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2218 - Dedication to bᶜl ᶜmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2221 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2225 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2226 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2230 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2233 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2234 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2235 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2236 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2237 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2238 - Dedication to bᶜl and tynt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2239 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2241 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2242 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2243 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and [tnt] from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2246 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tn[t] from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2247 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2248 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2250 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2251 - Dedication to bᶜl ᵓmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2252 - Dedication to bᶜl ᵓmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2253 - Dedication to bᶜl ᵓmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2255 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2256 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2259 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tynt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2260 - Dedication to [bᶜl ḥmn] from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2261 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2262 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2263 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2264 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2265 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2267 - Dedication to [bᶜl] ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2268 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2269 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2272 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2274 - Dedication to [b]ᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2275 - Dedication to b[ᶜl] from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2276 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2277 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2278 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2279 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2280 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2281 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2282 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2283 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2284 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2285 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2286 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2287 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2288 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2289 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2291 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
2292 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2293 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2294 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2295 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2296 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2298 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2299 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2300 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2301 - Dedication to [b]ᶜl mn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2302 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2303 - Dedication to a god ᵓdn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2304 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2305 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2308 - Dedication to bᶜl mn from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
2316 - Dedication to bᶜl and tnyt from Tirekbine Physical Object
2322 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2323 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2324 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2325 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2326 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2327 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2328 - Dedication to bᶜl from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2329 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2330 - Dedication to [bᶜl] ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2331 - Dedication to bᶜl [ḥmn] from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2332 - Dedication to bᶜl [ḥmn] from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2333 - Dedication to [bᶜ]l ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2334 - Dedication to bᶜ[l ḥmn] from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2335 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2336 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2337 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2338 - Dedication to [b]ᶜl ḥ[mn] from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2339 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2340 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2341 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2342 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
2343 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Zama - Al Jamah Physical Object
2344 - Dedication to bᶜl ᶜmn from Zama - Al Jamah Physical Object
2345 - Dedication to bᶜl from Althiburos - Fej el Tamar Physical Object
2346 - Dedication to [b]ᶜl ḥmn from Althiburos - Fej el Tamar Physical Object
2348 - Dedication to ᵓmn from Breviglieri - Ras el-Hadagia Physical Object
2349 - Dedication to b/kl from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2351 - Dedication to ᵓl from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2363 - Dedication to šdrpᵓ and mlkᶜštrt from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 2
Title Alternate label Class
2057 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
2059 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
2060 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
2061 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
2062 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
2066 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
2067 - Dedication to tnt and ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
2068 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
2069 - Dedication to tnt and bᶜl ḥmn from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
2291 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object