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Theonym 1
Title Alternate label Class
0269 - Dedication to Victoria from Aquae Sirenses - Bou Hanifia Physical Object
0270 - Dedication to Victoria from Arsennaria - Sidi Bou Ras Physical Object
0271 - Dedication to Victoria from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0272 - Dedication to Victoria from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0273 - Dedication to Victoria from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0274 - Dedication to Victoria from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0275 - Signum Victoriae from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0276 - Dedication to Victoria from Cartennae - Ténès Physical Object
0277 - Dedication to Victoria from Numerus Syrorum - Maghnia Physical Object
0278 - Dedication to Victoria from Portus Magnus - Bethioua Physical Object
0280 - Dedication to Victoria from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0281 - Dedication to Victoria from Tipasa - Tipaza Physical Object
0282 - Dedication to Victoria from Tipasa - Tipaza Physical Object
0283 - Dedication to Victoria from Tipasa - Tipaza Physical Object
0284 - Dedication to Victoria from Zuccabar - Miliana Physical Object
0285 - Dedication to Victoria, the Numen Hadriani and Hercules from Tipasa - Tipaza Physical Object
0495 - Dedication to Victoria from Tamuda - Tétuan Physical Object
0496 - Dedication to Victoria from Chebabat Physical Object
0497 - Dedication to Victoria from Chebabat Physical Object
0498 - Dedication to Victoria from Chebabat Physical Object
1577 - Dedication to the Victoria Parthica from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1578 - Dedication to the Victoria Augustorum from Diana Veteranorum - Zanat El Beida Physical Object
1579 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1580 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1581 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1582 - Dedication to the Victoria from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1583 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1584 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1585 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1586 - Dedication to the Victoria from Verecunda - Markouna Physical Object
1587 - Dedication to the Victoria from Gemellae - Ourlal Physical Object
1588 - Dedication to the Victoria from Diana Veteranorum - Zanat El Beida Physical Object
1589 - Dedication to the Victoria from Castellum Arsacalitanum - El-Goulia Physical Object
1590 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1591 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1592 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1593 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1594 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1595 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1596 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1597 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1598 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1599 - Dedication to the Victoria from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1600 - Dedication to the Victoria from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1601 - Dedication to the Victoria from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1602 - Dedication to the Victoria from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1603 - Dedication to the Victoria from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1604 - Dedication to the Victoria from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
1605 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1606 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1607 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1608 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1609 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1610 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
1611 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
1612 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
1613 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
1614 - Dedication to the Victoria from Verecunda - Markouna Physical Object
1615 - Dedication to the Victoria from Verecunda - Markouna Physical Object
1616 - Dedication to the Victoria from Zarai - Zraia Physical Object
1617 - Dedication to the Victoria from Aïn Drine Physical Object
1618 - Dedication to the Victoria from Rusicade - Skikda Physical Object
1619 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
1620 - Statuae Victoriae, Fortunae and Herculis from Rusicade - Skikda Physical Object
1621 - Dedication to the Victoria and Mercurius from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1622 - Dedication to the Victoria and Mercurius from Rusicade - Skikda Physical Object
1623 - Dedication to the Victoria from Castellum Zugal - Mechta Bou Charef Physical Object
1624 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1625 - Dedication to Victoria and Virtus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
2375 - Dedication to the Victoria from Africa proconsularis Physical Object
2393 - Inscription mentioning Victoria from Golas - Abu Nujaym Physical Object
2403 - Inscription mentioning Victoria from Golas - Abu Nujaym Physical Object
2849 - Dedication to the Victoria from Gurza - Kalâa Kebira Physical Object
2850 - Dedication to the Victoria from Gurza - Kalâa Kebira Physical Object
2858 - Dedication to the Victoria from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2865 - Dedication to the Victoria from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
3030 - Dedication to the Victoria from Civitas Vazalitanorum - Henchir Bedjar Physical Object
3093 - Dedication to the Victoria Armeniaca Parthica Medica Augustorum from Siagu - Ksar ez-Zit Physical Object
3123 - Dedication to Victoria from Giufi - Bir Mcherga Physical Object
3124 - Dedication to the Victoria from Giufi - Bir Mcherga Physical Object
3180 - Dedication to the Victoria Britannica from Gightis - Bou Grara Physical Object
3217 - Dedication to Victoria from Avitta Bibba - Henchir Bou Ftis Physical Object
3247 - Dedication to Victoria from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3396 - Defixio mentioning the Victoria from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3406 - Inscription mentioning Victoria from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3489 - Dedication to Victoria from Uzali Sar - Henchir Djal Physical Object
3550 - Dedication to the Victoria from Uchi Maius - Henchir-Douamis Physical Object
3551 - Dedication to the Victoria from Uchi Maius - Henchir-Douamis Physical Object
3596 - Templum Victoriae from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3969 - Dedication to Victoria from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
4117 - Dedication to Victoria from Ammaedara - Haïdra Physical Object
4752 - Dedication to Victoria from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4864 - Dedication to the Victoria Augusta from Tituli - Mahjouba Physical Object
4933 - Dedication to the Victoria Augusta from Althiburos - Fej el Tamar Physical Object
4934 - Dedication to the Victoria senatus Romani from Althiburos - Fej el Tamar Physical Object
4941 - Dedication to the Victoria Augustorum from Althiburos - Fej el Tamar Physical Object
4942 - Dedication to the Victoria Germanica from Althiburos - Fej el Tamar Physical Object
4952 - Dedication to the Victoria Augusta from Mustis - Henchir Mest Physical Object
5013 - Dedication to the Victoria Parthica from Ruspina - Monastir Physical Object
5090 - Templum Victoriae Augustorum from Henchir R'mada Physical Object
5151 - Dedication to the Victoria Augustorum from Sufetula - Sbeitla Physical Object
5323 - Aedes Victoriae from Thabarca - Tabarka Physical Object
5367 - Dedication to the Victoria from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5421 - Dedication to the Victoria Imperatorum et Caesarum from Thubursicu Bure - Téboursouk Physical Object
5423 - Dedication to the Victoria from Thubursicu Bure - Téboursouk Physical Object
5448 - Dedication to Victoria from Thala - Thala Physical Object
Theonym 2
Title Alternate label Class
0122 - Dedication to Iuppiter and Victoria from Fedjana Physical Object
0178 - Dedication to the Numen Sanctus and Victoria from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
1077 - Dedication to Iuppiter and Victoria from Nattabutes - Oum Krekeche Physical Object
1078 - Inscription mentioning Iuppiter, Victoria, Cupido and Silenus from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1193 - Dedication to Mercurius and Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
3055 - Dedication to Pluto from Sustri - Henchir Ben Ergueia Physical Object
3530 - Dedication to Minerva and Victoria from Douar Bayoud Physical Object
4638 - Inscription mentioning Honor and Victoria from Thubursicu Numidarum - Khemissa Physical Object
Theonym 3
Title Alternate label Class
0183 - Dedication to the Numina, Iuppiter and Victoria from Saldae - Béjaïa Physical Object
0705 - Dedication to the Dii Boni, Mars and Victoria from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1052 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Hercules and Victoria from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
Theonym 4
Title Alternate label Class
0466 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Victoria and the Genius Castrorum from Sala - Chellah Physical Object
1064 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Victoria, Hercules, the Genius Loci and the Dii et Deae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
4926 - Dedication to Saturnus and Ops from Mechta Oulad Selem Physical Object
Theonym 5
Title Alternate label Class
0727 - Dedication to the Domus Divina, Mars, Minerva, Fortuna, Victoria and Diana from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1062 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Mars and Victoria from Menaa Physical Object
3705 - Dedication to the Dii Augusti, the Genius Thuggae, Aesculapius, Salus and Victoria from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
Theonym 6
Title Alternate label Class
0261 - Dedication to Sol, Iuppiter, Luna, Iuno, Minerva, Victoria, Mercurius, the Genius Loci and Fors Fortuna from Ksar Chebeul Physical Object
Theonym 8
Title Alternate label Class
0049 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae, a Numen, Silvanus, Mercurius, Saturnus, Fortuna and Victoria from Rapidum - Djouab Physical Object