
Onomastic attribute


Onomastic attribute category

Divine > Qualitative > Inherent > Substantial

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Onomastic attribute 1
Title Alternate label Class
0001 - Dedication to Abaddiris from Zuccabar - Miliana Physical Object
0003 - Dedication to Attis, Mater Magna, a Numen and Liber from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0013 - Dedication to Aulisua from Pomaria - Tlemcen Physical Object
0014 - Dedication to Aulisua from Aïn Kihal Physical Object
0071 - Dedication to Frugiferus from Sertei - Kherbet Guidra Physical Object
0094 - Dedication to Hercules from Tamascani - Kherbet Zembia Physical Object
0102 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Cartennae - Ténès Physical Object
0131 - Dedication to Liber, Libera and the Numina Conservatores domorum et rerum suarum from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0178 - Dedication to the Numen Sanctus and Victoria from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0185 - Dedication to Pluto and Ceres from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0186 - Dedication to Pluto, Ceres, the Curia and Dis from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0191 - Dedication to Saturnus from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0199 - Dedication to Saturnus from Castellum Auziens - Dechra Sidi Chikh Physical Object
0231 - Sacerdos Saturni from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0232 - Dedication to Saturnus from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0252 - Dedication to Saturnus from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0256 - Dedication to Saturnus and Ops from Satafis - Aïn El Kebira Physical Object
0257 - Dedication to Serapis from Zuccabar - Miliana Physical Object
0293 - Dedication to the Deus Sanctus Aeternus from Ad Regias - Arbal Physical Object
0300 - Dedication to the Deus Sanctus Aeternus from Aquae Sirenses - Bou Hanifia Physical Object
0333 - Ara to the Deus Sanctus Aeternus from Castellum Tingitanum - Chlef Physical Object
0423 - Dedication to Aulisua from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0433 - Dedication to Frugiferus from Volubilis - Aïn Schkour Physical Object
0440 - Dedication to the Genius Municipii from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0525 - Dedication to Aesculapius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
0547 - Dedication to Attis and the Genius Dendrofororum from Rusicade - Skikda Physical Object
0609 - Dedication to Baliddir from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
0611 - Dedication to Baliddir from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
0773 - Dedication to Frugiferus from Aquae Flavianae - El Hamma Physical Object
0776 - Dedication to Frugiferus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
0895 - Dedication to the Genius Thamugadensis from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1102 - Dedication to Malagbelus from El Gehara Physical Object
1155 - Dedication to Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1176 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1435 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1438 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1439 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1464 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mascula - Khenchela Physical Object
1489 - Dedication to Saturnus from Nicivibus - N'Gaous Physical Object
1490 - Dedication to Saturnus from Nicivibus - N'Gaous Physical Object
1491 - Dedication to Saturnus from Nicivibus - N'Gaous Physical Object
1492 - Dedication to Saturnus from Nicivibus - N'Gaous Physical Object
1500 - Dedication to Saturnus from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
1531 - Dedication to Silvanus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1545 - Dedication to Silvanus and the Genius Praetorii from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1920 - Dedication to a god ex viso from Nicivibus - N'Gaous Physical Object
3017 - Dedication to Saturnus from Hippo Regius - Annaba Physical Object
3363 - Dedication to a Numen from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3777 - Dedication to Mercurius and the Genius Coloniae from Thysdrus - El Djem Physical Object
3800 - Dedication to Malagbelus from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
3801 - Dedication to Hercules from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
4035 - Dedication to Saturnus from Masculula - Hammam Guergour Physical Object
4282 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4282 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4391 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4539 - Dedication to Saturnus from Neferis - Khanguet El Hojjej Physical Object
4543 - Dedication to Saturnus from Neferis - Khanguet El Hojjej Physical Object
4545 - Dedication to Saturnus from Neferis - Khanguet El Hojjej Physical Object
5167 - Dedication to the Numen dei inferni from Simitthus - Chemtou Physical Object
5172 - Dedication to a Deus Sanctus Aeternus from Simitthus - Chemtou Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 2
Title Alternate label Class
0087 - Dedication to the Genius Petrae and the Numen Sanctus from Ksar Chebeul Physical Object
0099 - Dedication to Iuno, Silvanus and Sol from Ad Regias - Arbal Physical Object
1131 - Dedication to Mars and the Genius Scholae Beneficiariorum from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
2544 - Defixio calling upon Chaos and Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3288 - Dedication to Saturnus and Numen Sancto Patri from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3748 - Dedication to the Lares Augusti et Locus Sanctus from Ehelel Physical Object
5746 - Defixio from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 4
Title Alternate label Class
0053 - Inscription mentioning the Dii Omnes, a Genius and the Numen Sanctus from Aflou Physical Object
0186 - Dedication to Pluto, Ceres, the Curia and Dis from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 7
Title Alternate label Class
1059 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Fortuna, Mercurius, Hercules, the Genius Sanctus and the Dii et Deae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object