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Theonym 1
Title Alternate label Class
0468 - Dedication to Minerva from Iulia Valentia Banasa - Sidi Ali Bou Jenoun Physical Object
1195 - Dedication to Minerva from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1196 - Dedication to Minerva from Mechta Kesmia Physical Object
1197 - Dedication to Minerva from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1198 - Dedication to Minerva from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1199 - Dedication to Minerva from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1200 - Dedication to Minerva from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1201 - Dedication to Minerva from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1202 - Dedication to Minerva from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1203 - Dedication to Minerva from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1204 - Dedication to Minerva from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1205 - Dedication to Minerva from Verecunda - Markouna Physical Object
1206 - Dedication to Minerva from Ras El Aioun Physical Object
1207 - Dedication to Minerva, Iuppiter and Iuno from Verecunda - Markouna Physical Object
1208 - Templum et signum Minervae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1209 - Dedication to Minerva by sacerdos Saturni from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
2449 - Dedication to Minerva from Agbia - Aïn Hedja Physical Object
3110 - Dedication to Minerva from Bezereos - Sidi Mohammed Ben Aissa Physical Object
3116 - Dedication to Minerva from Giufi - Bir Mcherga Physical Object
3188 - Dedication to Minerva from Gightis - Bou Grara Physical Object
3245 - Dedication to Minerva from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3246 - Dedication to Minerva from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3268 - Dedication to Minerva from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3486 - Templum Minervae and Iovis from Deirat Physical Object
3530 - Dedication to Minerva and Victoria from Douar Bayoud Physical Object
3579 - Dedication to Minerva from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3588 - Dedication to Minerva from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3600 - Templum Minervae from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3698 - Dedication to Minerva from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3699 - Dedication to Minerva from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3703 - Templum Minervae from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3738 - Dedication to Minerva from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3747 - Dedication to Minerva from Obba - Dahmani Physical Object
3754 - Dedication to Minerva from El-Akrouabi Physical Object
3786 - Dedication to Minerva from Thysdrus - El Djem Physical Object
3958 - Dedication to Minerva from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
4494 - Sacerdos Minervae from Chusira - Kesra Physical Object
4653 - Dedication to Minerva from Thubursicu Numidarum - Khemissa Physical Object
4656 - Dedication to Minerva from Thubursicu Numidarum - Khemissa Physical Object
4708 - Dedication to Minerva from Limisa - Ksar Lemsa Physical Object
5204 - Dedication to Minerva from Pagus Tach[---] - Sidi Ali al-Agab Physical Object
5313 - Dedication to Minerva from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
5344 - Templum Minervae from Apisa Minus - Tarf el-Chena Physical Object
5348 - Dedication to Minerva from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5379 - Dedication to Minerva from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5444 - Dedication to Minerva from Tichilla - Testour Physical Object
5480 - Ara Minervae from Tusuros - Tozeur Physical Object
5510 - Dedication to Minerva from Zarouria Physical Object
Theonym 2
Title Alternate label Class
0919 - Dedication to the Genius Tabularium Principis and Minerva from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1132 - Dedication to Mars and Minerva from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1133 - Dedication to Mars, Minerva and Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
2862 - Dedication to Mercurius and Minerva from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2904 - Dedication to Mercurius and Minerva from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
3411 - Dedication to Iuno, Minerva and Bellona from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
5363 - Statua Caelestis et Minervae from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5517 - Dedication to Iuppiter and Minerva from Ziqua - Zaghouan Physical Object
Theonym 3
Title Alternate label Class
0464 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0465 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva and the Dii et Deae Immortales from Tingis - Tanger Physical Object
0466 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Victoria and the Genius Castrorum from Sala - Chellah Physical Object
0727 - Dedication to the Domus Divina, Mars, Minerva, Fortuna, Victoria and Diana from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1055 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1056 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1057 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva and the Dii et Deae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1058 - Dedicatino to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva and the Domus Divina from Mopti - Oued Deheb Physical Object
1059 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Fortuna, Mercurius, Hercules, the Genius Sanctus and the Dii et Deae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1060 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva and the Genius Tananti from Oued Fedhala Physical Object
1061 - Aedes cum simulacris Iovi, Iunonis, Minervae et Genii Lambaesis from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1062 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Mars and Victoria from Menaa Physical Object
1063 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Sol, Mithra, Hercules, Mars, Mercurius, the Genius Loci and the Dii et Deae from Diana Veteranorum - Zanat El Beida Physical Object
1064 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Victoria, Hercules, the Genius Loci and the Dii et Deae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
2428 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Belalis Maior - Henchir el-Faouar Physical Object
2467 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Thabarbusis - Aïn Nechma Physical Object
2894 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
3080 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Bisica Lucana - Bijga Physical Object
3461 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Henchir Damous Physical Object
3472 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Avedda - Henchir Bedd Physical Object
3587 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3742 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Saia Maior - Henchir el-Douimis Physical Object
4090 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Segermes - Henchir Harat Physical Object
4465 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Zucchar - Aïn Jouggar Physical Object
4478 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Mierva from Ucubi - El-Gousset Physical Object
4615 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Thuburbo Maius - Henchir Khasbat Physical Object
4858 - Templum Capitoli from Numlulis - El-Maatria Physical Object
4862 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Tituli - Mahjouba Physical Object
4935 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Althiburos - Fej el Tamar Physical Object
5000 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva and Indulgentia from Tinfadi - Hanshir al-Metkides Physical Object
5291 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Sidi el-Shammakh Physical Object
5332 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and Minerva from Thagora - Taoura Physical Object
Theonym 4
Title Alternate label Class
1351 - Dedication to the Numina Augustorum, Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva and the Genius Lambaesis from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
Theonym 5
Title Alternate label Class
0261 - Dedication to Sol, Iuppiter, Luna, Iuno, Minerva, Victoria, Mercurius, the Genius Loci and Fors Fortuna from Ksar Chebeul Physical Object
Theonym 6
Title Alternate label Class
3879 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Saturnus, Silvanus, Caelestis, Pluto, Minerva and Venus from Physical Object