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Theonym 1
Title Alternate label Class
0137 - Dedication to Mercurius from Albulae - Aïn Témouchent Physical Object
0138 - Dedication to Mercurius from Albulae - Aïn Témouchent Physical Object
0139 - Dedication to Mercurius from Novar(---) - Beni Fouda Physical Object
0140 - Vernaculus Mercuri from Tipasa - Tipaza Physical Object
0141 - Dedication to Mercurius from Djebel Magris Physical Object
0467 - Dedication to Mercurius from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
1148 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1149 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1150 - Dedication to Mercurius from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
1151 - Dedication to Mercurius from Οὐεσκέθρει - Βεσκέθρη - Biskra Physical Object
1152 - Dedication to Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1153 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1154 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1155 - Dedication to Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1156 - Dedication to Mercurius from Castellum Arsacalitanum - El-Goulia Physical Object
1157 - Templum Mercurio from Castellum Elefantum - Ibn Ziad Physical Object
1158 - Dedication to Mercurius from Castellum Fabatianum - Ksar Mahidjiba Physical Object
1159 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1160 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1161 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1162 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1163 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1164 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1165 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1166 - Dedication to Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1167 - Dedication to Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1168 - Dedication to Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1169 - Dedication to Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1170 - Dedication to Mercurius from Mascula - Khenchela Physical Object
1171 - Dedication to Mercurius from Rusicade - Skikda Physical Object
1172 - Dedication to Mercurius from Saddar - Aïn El Bey Physical Object
1173 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1174 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1175 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1176 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1177 - Dedication to Mercurius from Uzelis - Oudjel Physical Object
1178 - Sacerdos Mercuri from Laghouat Physical Object
1179 - Dedication to Mercurius from Aïn Drine Physical Object
1180 - Dedication to Mercurius from Bou Malek Physical Object
1181 - Dedication to Mercurius from Sakrania Physical Object
1182 - Dedication to Mercurius from Aïn Kara Physical Object
1183 - Dedication to Mercurius from Meghalsa Physical Object
1184 - Dedication to Mercurius from Ksar Belkassem Physical Object
1185 - Dedication to Mercurius from Diana Veteranorum - Zanat El Beida Physical Object
1186 - Dedication to Mercurius from Gens Suburburum Colonorum - Aziz Ben Tellis Physical Object
1187 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
1188 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
1189 - Dedication to Mercurius and Silvanus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1190 - Dedication to Mercurius and Silvanus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1191 - Dedication to Mercurius and Silvanus from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1192 - Dedication to Mercurius, Silvanus and the Dii Magni from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1193 - Dedication to Mercurius and Victoria from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
2418 - Dedication to Mercurius from Aïn Djeloula Physical Object
2420 - Dedication to Mercurius from Belalis Maior - Henchir el-Faouar Physical Object
2462 - Dedication to Mercurius from Aïn-Lebba Physical Object
2486 - Dedication to Mercurius from Ain Teffaha Physical Object
2493 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thignica - Aïn Tounga Physical Object
2503 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thignica - Aïn Tounga Physical Object
2797 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thignica - Aïn Tounga Physical Object
2862 - Dedication to Mercurius and Minerva from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2903 - Dedication to Mercurius from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2904 - Dedication to Mercurius and Minerva from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
3005 - Dedication to Mercurius from Hippo Regius - Annaba Physical Object
3009 - Dedication to Mercurius from Hippo Regius - Annaba Physical Object
3022 - Dedication to Mercurius from Sers Physical Object
3025 - Dedication to Mercurius from Bordj M'Raou Physical Object
3066 - Dedication to Mercurius from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3067 - Dedication to Mercurius from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3072 - Sacerdotes Mercuri from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3073 - Dedication to Mercurius from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3074 - Dedication to Mercurius from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3075 - Statua Mercuri from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3077 - Dedication to Mercurius from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3126 - Dedication to Mercurius from Giufi - Bir Mcherga Physical Object
3186 - Dedication to Mercurius from Gightis - Bou Grara Physical Object
3187 - Dedication to Mercurius from Gightis - Bou Grara Physical Object
3221 - Fanum Mercurii from Avitta Bibba - Henchir Bou Ftis Physical Object
3252 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3258 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3267 - Dedication to Mercurius and Mars from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3284 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3285 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3286 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3361 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3362 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3449 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Henchir Chett Physical Object
3457 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thubba - Chouggui Physical Object
3478 - Dedication to Mercurius from Avedda - Henchir Bedd Physical Object
3488 - Dedication to Mercurius from Uzali Sar - Henchir Djal Physical Object
3512 - Dedication to Mercurius from Djebel Djelloud Physical Object
3520 - Templum Mercuri from Djebel Mansour Physical Object
3576 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3582 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3585 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3608 - Templum Mercuri from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3631 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3632 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3633 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3634 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3636 - Templum Mercuri from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3637 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3638 - Dedication to Mercurius and Aequitas from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3639 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3640 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3657 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3707 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3774 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thysdrus - El Djem Physical Object
3777 - Dedication to Mercurius and the Genius Coloniae from Thysdrus - El Djem Physical Object
3785 - Dedication to Mercurius and Silvanus from Thysdrus - El Djem Physical Object
3798 - Dedication to Mercurius from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
3803 - Dedication to Mercurius, Hercules and Mars from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
3886 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thabbora - Henchir Tambra Physical Object
3890 - Templum Mercurii from Avula - El-Khima Physical Object
4156 - Dedication to Mercurius from Horrea Caelia - Hergla Physical Object
4159 - Inscription mentioning Mercurius from Wadi Ishtaf Physical Object
4463 - Dedication to Mercurius from Fundus Tappanno[---] - Jenan el-Zaytouna Physical Object
4483 - Dedication to the Mercurius from Ucubi - El-Gousset Physical Object
4491 - Dedication to Mercurius from Muzuca - Karachoun Physical Object
4548 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thuburbo Maius - Henchir Khasbat Physical Object
4565 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thuburbo Maius - Henchir Khasbat Physical Object
4592 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thuburbo Maius - Henchir Khasbat Physical Object
4593 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thuburbo Maius - Henchir Khasbat Physical Object
4594 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thuburbo Maius - Henchir Khasbat Physical Object
4595 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thuburbo Maius - Henchir Khasbat Physical Object
4627 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thuburbo Maius - Henchir Khasbat Physical Object
4642 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thubursicu Numidarum - Khemissa Physical Object
4643 - Sacerdos Frugiferi from Thubursicu Numidarum - Khemissa Physical Object
4703 - Dedication to Mercurius from Limisa - Ksar Lemsa Physical Object
4704 - Dedication to Mercurius from Limisa - Ksar Lemsa Physical Object
4705 - Dedication to Mercurius from Limisa - Ksar Lemsa Physical Object
4706 - Dedication to Mercurius from Limisa - Ksar Lemsa Physical Object
4707 - Dedication to Mercurius from Limisa - Ksar Lemsa Physical Object
4743 - Dedication to Tellus from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4781 - Dedication to Mercurius from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4782 - Dedication to Mercurius from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4783 - Dedication to Mercurius from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4784 - Dedication to Mercurius from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4785 - Dedication to Mercurius from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4786 - Dedication to Mercurius from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4787 - Dedication to Mercurius from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4788 - Dedication to Mercurius from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4833 - Sacerdos Mercuri from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4853 - Dedication to Mercurius and Vesta from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4856 - Dedication to Mercurius from Numlulis - El-Maatria Physical Object
4883 - Dedication to Mercurius from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
4975 - Dedication to Mercurius and Silvanus from Mustis - Henchir Mest Physical Object
4997 - Dedication to Mercurius from Mustis - Henchir Mest Physical Object
5019 - Dedication to Mercurius from Vasampus - Morsott Physical Object
5073 - Dedication to Mercurius from Qasr al Ahmar Physical Object
5078 - Dedication to Mercurius from Goubellat Physical Object
5118 - Flamen perpetuus from Sabratha - Sabratha Physical Object
5168 - Dedication to Mercurius from Simitthus - Chemtou Physical Object
5211 - Dedication to Mercurius, the Genius Sesase and Pantheus from Thuburnica - Henchir Sidi Ali Belkassem Physical Object
5252 - Dedication to Mercurius from Sivalis - Sidi Amor Jedidi Physical Object
5297 - Templum Mercuri from Cincaris - Henchir Sinngaris Physical Object
5314 - Inscription mentioning Mercurius from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
5329 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thagora - Taoura Physical Object
5358 - Dedication to Mercurius from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5359 - Dedication to Mercurius from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5393 - Dedication to Mercurius and the Genius campi from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5431 - Templum dei Mercuri from Tella Physical Object
5472 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thicilila Physical Object
5527 - Statua and Aedes Mercurii from Zama - Al Jamah Physical Object
5537 - Dedication to Mercurius from Zama - Al Jamah Physical Object
5560 - Dedication to Mercurius from Henchir el-Hammadi Physical Object
5565 - Dedication to Mercurius from Furnos Minus - Henchir el-Msaadine Physical Object
5568 - Templum Mercuri from Furnos Minus - Henchir el-Msaadine Physical Object
Theonym 1
Title Alternate label Class
307. Dedication to Mercurius Competalis - Murillo del Rio Leza Physical Object
Theonym 2
Title Alternate label Class
0024 - Dedication to Caelestis and Mercurius from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0686 - Dedication to Diana from Castellum Celtianum - El-Meraba Physical Object
0701 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1222 - Dedication to Motmanius and Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1346 - Dedication to a Numen and Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1546 - Dedication to Silvanus and Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1621 - Dedication to the Victoria and Mercurius from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1622 - Dedication to the Victoria and Mercurius from Rusicade - Skikda Physical Object
2544 - Defixio calling upon Chaos and Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3070 - Aedes Mercuri et Aedes Aesculapi from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3071 - Aedes Mercuri et Aedes Aesculapi from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3487 - Dedication to Silvanus, Mercurius, the Numen divinus and the Fatum bonus from Thiges - Henchir Ragoubet Physical Object
3925 - Dedication to Pluto and Mercurius from Gillium - Henchir el-Frass Physical Object
4916 - Dedication to Apollo from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
Theonym 3
Title Alternate label Class
0644 - Dedication to Caelestis, Saturnus, Mercurius and Fortuna from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
0704 - Dedication to the Dii Conservatores, Iuppiter, Mercurius, Genius and Torchobol from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
0779 - Dedication to the Genii, Mars, Mercurius and the gods Fautores from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
0780 - Dedication to the Genii, Mars, Mercurius and the gods Fautores from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
1133 - Dedication to Mars, Minerva and Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
Theonym 4
Title Alternate label Class
3625 - Dedication to Fortuna, Venus, Concordia and Mercurius from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
Theonym 5
Title Alternate label Class
0049 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae, a Numen, Silvanus, Mercurius, Saturnus, Fortuna and Victoria from Rapidum - Djouab Physical Object
1059 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Fortuna, Mercurius, Hercules, the Genius Sanctus and the Dii et Deae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
4618 - Dedication to Saturnus, Sol, Luna, Mars, Mercurius, Iuppiter and Venus from Thuburbo Maius - Henchir Khasbat Physical Object
Theonym 7
Title Alternate label Class
0261 - Dedication to Sol, Iuppiter, Luna, Iuno, Minerva, Victoria, Mercurius, the Genius Loci and Fors Fortuna from Ksar Chebeul Physical Object
Theonym 8
Title Alternate label Class
0708 - Dedication to the Dii Boni from Gens Suburburum Colonorum - Aziz Ben Tellis Physical Object
1063 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Sol, Mithra, Hercules, Mars, Mercurius, the Genius Loci and the Dii et Deae from Diana Veteranorum - Zanat El Beida Physical Object
Theonym 9
Title Alternate label Class
0703 - Dedication to the Dii Boni from Gens Suburburum Colonorum - Aziz Ben Tellis Physical Object