
Onomastic attribute


Onomastic attribute category

Divine > Qualitative > Inherent > Substantial

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Onomastic attribute 1
Title Alternate label Class
0003 - Dedication to Attis, Mater Magna, a Numen and Liber from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0012 - Dedication to Aulisua from Pomaria - Tlemcen Physical Object
0013 - Dedication to Aulisua from Pomaria - Tlemcen Physical Object
0014 - Dedication to Aulisua from Aïn Kihal Physical Object
0015 - Dedication to Auzius from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0032 - Dedication to Charon from Rusippisir - Taksebt Physical Object
0061 - Dedication to Draco from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0069 - Templum Frugiferi from Iomnium - Tigzirt Physical Object
0071 - Dedication to Frugiferus from Sertei - Kherbet Guidra Physical Object
0072 - Dedication to Frugiferus from Bir Haddada Physical Object
0089 - Dedication to Hercules from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0092 - Dedication to Hercules from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0094 - Dedication to Hercules from Tamascani - Kherbet Zembia Physical Object
0102 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Cartennae - Ténès Physical Object
0126 - Dedication to Liber from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0131 - Dedication to Liber, Libera and the Numina Conservatores domorum et rerum suarum from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0134 - Dedication to Mars and the Genius Coloniae from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0135 - Dedication to Massinissa from Bida - Djemaa Saharidj Physical Object
0137 - Dedication to Mercurius from Albulae - Aïn Témouchent Physical Object
0138 - Dedication to Mercurius from Albulae - Aïn Témouchent Physical Object
0142 - Dedication to Midmanim from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0143 - Dedication to Mithra from Columnata - Sidi Hosni Physical Object
0145 - Dedication to Mithra from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0146 - Dedication to Mithra from Columnata - Sidi Hosni Physical Object
0185 - Dedication to Pluto and Ceres from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0191 - Dedication to Saturnus from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0192 - Dedication to Saturnus from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0199 - Dedication to Saturnus from Castellum Auziens - Dechra Sidi Chikh Physical Object
0202 - Dedication to Saturnus from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0206 - Dedication to Saturnus from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0232 - Dedication to Saturnus from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0252 - Dedication to Saturnus from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0254 - Dedication to Saturnus from Tubusuctu - Tiklat Physical Object
0255 - Dedication to Saturnus and Iuppiter from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0258 - Templum to Elagabalus from Altava - Ouled Mimoun Physical Object
0293 - Dedication to the Deus Sanctus Aeternus from Ad Regias - Arbal Physical Object
0300 - Dedication to the Deus Sanctus Aeternus from Aquae Sirenses - Bou Hanifia Physical Object
0306 - Dedication to the Deus Sanctissimus Phoebus from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0317 - Dedication to a Deus from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0320 - Dedication to a Deus from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0329 - Dedication to the Deus Invictus from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0333 - Ara to the Deus Sanctus Aeternus from Castellum Tingitanum - Chlef Physical Object
0335 - Dedication to the Deus Salutifer from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0369 - Dedication to a Deus from Portus Magnus - Bethioua Physical Object
0375 - Dedication to the Deus Patrius Salutaris from Rapidum - Djouab Physical Object
0390 - Dedication to the Deus Magnus Aeternus from Satafis - Aïn El Kebira Physical Object
0414 - Dedication to the Deus Aeternus from Hacine Physical Object
0423 - Dedication to Aulisua from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0433 - Dedication to Frugiferus from Volubilis - Aïn Schkour Physical Object
0469 - Dedication to Mithra from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0492 - Dedication to Saturnus from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0536 - Dedication to Aesculapius and Hygia from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
0609 - Dedication to Baliddir from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
0610 - Dedication to Baliddir from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
0611 - Dedication to Baliddir from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
0666 - Dedication to Cillenus from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
0678 - Signum Cupidinis from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
0696 - Dedication to Aesculapius and Hygia from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
0732 - Dedication to Elagabalus from Lamasba - Merouana Physical Object
0771 - Dedication to Frugiferus from Mascula - Khenchela Physical Object
0773 - Dedication to Frugiferus from Aquae Flavianae - El Hamma Physical Object
0774 - Dedication to Frugiferus from Aquae Flavianae - El Hamma Physical Object
0777 - Dedication to Frugiferus from Diana Veteranorum - Zanat El Beida Physical Object
0811 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0812 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0813 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0814 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0815 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0817 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0818 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0819 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0820 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0821 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0822 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0823 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0824 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0825 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0826 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0827 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0828 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0829 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0830 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0831 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0832 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0833 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0834 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0835 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0836 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0837 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0838 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0839 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0840 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0842 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0843 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0844 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0845 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0846 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0847 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0848 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0849 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0850 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0851 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0852 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0853 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0854 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0855 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0856 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0857 - Dedication to a Genius from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
0880 - Dedication to the Genius Frugiferus from Lambiridi - Kherbet Ouled Arif Physical Object
0938 - Dedication to Hercules from Marcimenium - Aïn Beïda Physical Object
0940 - Dedication to Hercules from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
0957 - Cultores dei Ierhobolis from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
0995 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1021 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1088 - Dedication to Liber from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1097 - Dedication to Liber from Nattabutes - Oum Krekeche Physical Object
1099 - Dedication to Malagbelus from Castellum Dimmidi - Messaad Physical Object
1100 - Dedication to Malagbelus from Castellum Dimmidi - Messaad Physical Object
1101 - Dedication to Malagbelus from Castellum Dimmidi - Messaad Physical Object
1102 - Dedication to Malagbelus from El Gehara Physical Object
1110 -Dedication to Mars from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1131 - Dedication to Mars and the Genius Scholae Beneficiariorum from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
1152 - Dedication to Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1153 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1155 - Dedication to Mercurius from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1172 - Dedication to Mercurius from Saddar - Aïn El Bey Physical Object
1176 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
1184 - Dedication to Mercurius from Ksar Belkassem Physical Object
1192 - Dedication to Mercurius, Silvanus and the Dii Magni from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1211 - Dedication to Mithra from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1212 - Dedication to Mithra from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1213 - Dedication to Mithra from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1214 - Dedication to Mithra from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1215 - Dedication to Mithra from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1216 - Dedication to Mithra from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1217 - Dedication to Mithra from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1218 - Dedication to Mithra from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1219 - Dedication to Mithra from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1240 - Dedication to Neptunus from Henchir Bou Chekifa Physical Object
1370 - Dedication to Pluto from Macomades - Mrikeb Thala Physical Object
1372 - Dedication to Pluto from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1380 - Dedication to Pluto and Ceres from Thigillava - Mechta Djillaoua Physical Object
1383 - Dedication to Puer from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1387 - Dedication to Saturnus from Zarai - Zraia Physical Object
1397 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1427 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1428 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1429 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1430 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1431 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1432 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1433 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1434 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1435 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1439 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1451 - Dedication to Saturnus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1468 - Dedication to Saturnus from Milev - Mila Physical Object
1502 - Dedication to Saturnus from Tubonae - Tobna Physical Object
1504 - Dedication to Saturnus from Aïn Touila Physical Object
1516 - Sacerdos Saturni from Bordj Saad Bou el-Hadef Physical Object
1545 - Dedication to Silvanus and the Genius Praetorii from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1547 - Dedication to Sol from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1549 - Dedication to Sol from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1550 - Dedication to Sol from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1553 - Dedication to Sol from Zarai - Zraia Physical Object
1566 - Cultor dei Torchobolis from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1677 - Templum to a Deus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1794 - Dedication to a Deus from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1795 - Dedication to the Deus Patrius from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1844 - Dedication to a Deus from Fundus Seneci[---] - Chettabah Physical Object
1853 - Antistes dei from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1943 - Dedication to a Deus Patrius from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
1952 - Dedication to a Deus Magnus Aeternus from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
2024 - Dedication to the Deus Invictus from Sidi Okba Physical Object
2044 - Dedication to the Deus Magnus from Beni Oukden Physical Object
2045 - Dedication to the Deus Magnus Aeternus from Djenan Serir Physical Object
2376 - Dedication to a Deus Magnus and the Dii Mibilis from Mididi - Henchir Mided Physical Object
2402 - Dedication to Mars from Golas - Abu Nujaym Physical Object
2409 - Dedication to Mars from Uccula - Medjez el-Bab Physical Object
2419 - Dedication to a Deus Patrius from Aïn Djeloula Physical Object
2420 - Dedication to Mercurius from Belalis Maior - Henchir el-Faouar Physical Object
2435 - Dedication to Aesculapius from Belalis Maior - Henchir el-Faouar Physical Object
2462 - Dedication to Mercurius from Aïn-Lebba Physical Object
2487 - Inscription mentioning dei sacra from Thignica - Aïn Tounga Physical Object
2518 - Dedication to Saturnus from Thignica - Aïn Tounga Physical Object
2840 - Dedication to Neptunus from Ain el-Hamedna Physical Object
2847 - Dedication to Saturnus from Sutunurca - Aïn el-Askeur Physical Object
2871 - Dedication to Aesculapius from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2873 - Dedication to Attis from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2883 - Dedication to Antinous from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2890 - Dedication to Hercules from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2891 - Dedication to Hercules from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2909 - Dedication to Serapis from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2990 - Dedication to Apollo from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
3005 - Dedication to Mercurius from Hippo Regius - Annaba Physical Object
3020 - Dedication to the Genius Coloniae Hipponensium Regiorum from Hippo Regius - Annaba Physical Object
3022 - Dedication to Mercurius from Sers Physical Object
3064 - Signum dei from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3065 - Dedication to Hercules from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3066 - Dedication to Mercurius from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3068 - Dedication to the Deus Patrius from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3072 - Sacerdotes Mercuri from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3074 - Dedication to Mercurius from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3075 - Statua Mercuri from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3095 - Dedication to the Deus Augustus from Siagu - Ksar ez-Zit Physical Object
3114 - Dedication to Quirinus from Giufi - Bir Mcherga Physical Object
3126 - Dedication to Mercurius from Giufi - Bir Mcherga Physical Object
3157 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Fundus Tigibelle - Henchir R'rao Physical Object
3204 - Dedication to Silvanus from Gens Bacchuiana - Boujilida Physical Object
3209 - Dedication to Sol from Gens Bacchuiana - Boujilida Physical Object
3221 - Fanum Mercurii from Avitta Bibba - Henchir Bou Ftis Physical Object
3255 - Dedication to Attis from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3261 - Dedication to Serapis from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3274 - Dedication to a Deus from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3316 - Dedicatio to Liber from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3357 - Inscrription mentioning a Deus from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3358 - Dedication to Faunus and Ceres from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3361 - Dedication to Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3370 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3373 - Dedication to Saturnus from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3426 - Dedication to Pluto from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3450 - Dedication to Aesculapius and Hygia from Thugga - Henchir Chett Physical Object
3460 - Dedication to Saturnus from Zaouia Mornag Physical Object
3462 - Inscription mentioning a Divus from Henchir Damous Physical Object
3470 - Dedication to Aenon from Avedda - Henchir Bedd Physical Object
3500 - Dedication to Saturnus from Djebel Djelloud Physical Object
3512 - Dedication to Mercurius from Djebel Djelloud Physical Object
3519 - Dedication to a deus from Djebel Mansour Physical Object
3577 - Dedication to Sol from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3613 - Dedication to Saturnus from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3645 - Dedication to Sol from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3726 - Dedication to Saturnus from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3749 - Dedication to a Deus Magnus from El-Afareg Physical Object
3753 - Dedication to Saturnus from El-Afareg Physical Object
3777 - Dedication to Mercurius and the Genius Coloniae from Thysdrus - El Djem Physical Object
3795 - Dedication to Malagbelus from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
3796 - Dedication to Sol from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
3799 - Dedication to Malagbelus from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
3800 - Dedication to Malagbelus from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
3807 - Templum Solis from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
3808 - Dedication to Sol from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
3809 - Dedication to Sol from Meninx - Girba - Robbanna Physical Object
3821 - Inscription mentioning Ἀσκληπιός / Aesculapius from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
3851 - Dedication to Sol from Sicca Veneria - Le Kef Physical Object
3866 - Dedication to a Deus Vivus from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3872 - Defixio mentioning a Daemn Deus Pelagicus Aerius Altissimus Ιαω from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
3874 - Defixio mentioning a Deus Pelagicus Aerius from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
3875 - Defixio mentioning a Daemon Deus Pelagicus Aerius Altissimus Ιαω from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
3878 - Defixio mentioning a Daemon Deus Pelagicus Aerius Altissimus Ιαω from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
3880 - Inscription mentioning Silvanus, Dryades, Naiades and Apollo from El-Sera Physical Object
3900 - Dedication to Silvanus and the Genius Civitatis from Chidibbia - Sloughia Physical Object
3904 - Dedication to Sol from Chidibbia - Sloughia Physical Object
3909 - Dedication to Liber from Chidibbia - Sloughia Physical Object
3941 - Dedication to a Deus Favens from Gasr Giaka Physical Object
3950 - Dedication to a Deus Magnus from Henchir Goussa Physical Object
3959 - Dedication to a Deus Magnus from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
3973 - Dedication to a Deus from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
4004 - Dedication to Saturnus from Calama - Guelma Physical Object
4035 - Dedication to Saturnus from Masculula - Hammam Guergour Physical Object
4036 - Sacerdos Saturni from Haffuz Physical Object
4040 - Dedication to a deus patrius from Bulla Regia - Hammam Darradji Physical Object
4051 - Dedication to Apollo from Bulla Regia - Hammam Darradji Physical Object
4053 - Dedication to Apollo and the Dii Augusti from Bulla Regia - Hammam Darradji Physical Object
4100 - Dedication to Liber from Segermes - Henchir Harat Physical Object
4126 - Inscription mentioning a deus omnipotens from Ammaedara - Haïdra Physical Object
4146 - Dedication to Saturnus from Ammaedara - Haïdra Physical Object
4192 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4250 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4251 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4254 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4255 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4292 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4293 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4330 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4351 - Dedication to Saturnus from Mons Balcaranensis - Djebel Bou-Korneïn Physical Object
4471 - Defixio mentioning a Deus Vivus Omnipotens from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
4473 - Inscription mentioning a Daemon from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
4475 - Dedication to Pluto from Themetra - Souani el-Adari Physical Object
4480 - Dedication to Sol, Honor and Virtus from Ucubi - El-Gousset Physical Object
4493 - Sacerdotes Saturni from Chusira - Kesra Physical Object
4495 - Templum from Chusira - Kesra Physical Object
4539 - Dedication to Saturnus from Neferis - Khanguet El Hojjej Physical Object
4542 - Dedication to Saturnus from Neferis - Khanguet El Hojjej Physical Object
4560 - Dedication to Pluto from Thuburbo Maius - Henchir Khasbat Physical Object
4594 - Dedication to Mercurius from Thuburbo Maius - Henchir Khasbat Physical Object
4633 - Dedication to Aurelianus from Thubursicu Numidarum - Khemissa Physical Object
4721 - Inscription mentioning a Deus from Ain el-Zitouna Physical Object
4725 - Inscription mentioning Deus Aurelianus from Vicus Annaeus - Henchir Ksour Dzemda Physical Object
4772 - Aedes Herculis from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4776 - Dedication to Liber from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4777 - Dedication to Liber from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4800 - Dedication to a Saturnus from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4810 - Pontifex Solis and Augur from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4840 - Antistes Plutonis from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4847 - Sacerds Liberi Patris from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4868 - Dedication to Saturnus from Henchir Majel Physical Object
4928 - Dedication to Mars from Mididi - Henchir Mided Physical Object
5001 - Dedication to the Dii Magifae from Tinfadi - Hanshir al-Metkides Physical Object
5008 - Dedication to Saturnus from Thimida Regia - Sidi Ali el-Sefini Physical Object
5034 - Dedication to Neptunus and the Numina from Nefidhet el-Mecid Physical Object
5042 - Dedication to a deus from Uthina - Oudhna Physical Object
5043 - Dedication to Saturnus from Uthina - Oudhna Physical Object
5076 - Simulacrum Herculi from Qasr al-Jazirah Physical Object
5109 - Flamen and sacerdos Herculis from Sabratha - Sabratha Physical Object
5127 - Dedication to Hercules from Naraggara - Sakiet Sidi Youssef Physical Object
5129 - Dedication to Iocolon from Naraggara - Sakiet Sidi Youssef Physical Object
5137 - Dedication to Sol from Sufetula - Sbeitla Physical Object
5139 - Sacerdos Dei Patrii from Sufetula - Sbeitla Physical Object
5159 - Dies natalis Herculi from Sufes - Sbiba Physical Object
5167 - Dedication to the Numen dei inferni from Simitthus - Chemtou Physical Object
5168 - Dedication to Mercurius from Simitthus - Chemtou Physical Object
5172 - Dedication to a Deus Sanctus Aeternus from Simitthus - Chemtou Physical Object
5254 - Dedication to Saturnus from Henchir Sidi Ben Nour Physical Object
5293 - Sacerdos Ditis from Sidi el-Titouhi Physical Object
5336 - Dedication to the Deus loci from Apisa Minus - Bou Arada Physical Object
5393 - Dedication to Mercurius and the Genius campi from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5404 - Inscription mentioning a Deus from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5431 - Templum dei Mercuri from Tella Physical Object
5446 - Dedication to Mars from Thala - Thala Physical Object
5452 - Dedication to Saturnus from Thala - Thala Physical Object
5536 - Dedication to Saturnus from Zama - Al Jamah Physical Object
5543 - Dedication to Saturnus from Zaouia Sidi Medine Physical Object
5715 - Defixio from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
5737 - Defixio from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 2
Title Alternate label Class
0121 - Dedication to Iuppiter and Silvanus from Thanaramusa - Berrouaghia Physical Object
0644 - Dedication to Caelestis, Saturnus, Mercurius and Fortuna from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
1092 - Inscription mentioning Liber and the Genius Domus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1343 - Dedication to the Numen Praesens and Iuppiter Bazosenus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1344 - Dedication to the Numen Praesens and Iuppiter Bazosenus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
2409 - Dedication to Mars from Uccula - Medjez el-Bab Physical Object
2544 - Defixio calling upon Chaos and Mercurius from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
2901 - Inscription mentioning Liber, Amor and Apollo from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
3396 - Defixio mentioning the Victoria from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3458 - Defixio to Proserpina from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
4717 - Dedication to Neptunus from A[---] - Medoudja Physical Object
5083 - Dedication to Fudina, Varcurtum and Varsis from Henchir Ramdam Physical Object
5731 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 3
Title Alternate label Class
0053 - Inscription mentioning the Dii Omnes, a Genius and the Numen Sanctus from Aflou Physical Object
0130 - Dedication to Liber and Semeleia from Ouled Ammar Physical Object
0644 - Dedication to Caelestis, Saturnus, Mercurius and Fortuna from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
3070 - Aedes Mercuri et Aedes Aesculapi from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3071 - Aedes Mercuri et Aedes Aesculapi from Vazitana Sarra - Henchir-Bez Physical Object
3412 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
5001 - Dedication to the Dii Magifae from Tinfadi - Hanshir al-Metkides Physical Object
5364 - Statuae Caelestis et Virtutis and Signum Aesculapii from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5535 - Dedication to Liber from Zama - Al Jamah Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 4
Title Alternate label Class
3880 - Inscription mentioning Silvanus, Dryades, Naiades and Apollo from El-Sera Physical Object
5001 - Dedication to the Dii Magifae from Tinfadi - Hanshir al-Metkides Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 5
Title Alternate label Class
0704 - Dedication to the Dii Conservatores, Iuppiter, Mercurius, Genius and Torchobol from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
3880 - Inscription mentioning Silvanus, Dryades, Naiades and Apollo from El-Sera Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 6
Title Alternate label Class
5318 - Defixio from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 8
Title Alternate label Class
3814 - Defixio mentioning Αβαρ, Βαρβαριε, Ελοεε, Σαβαοθ, Παχνουφυ, Πυθιπεμι and Ὀσυρις from Hadrumetum - Sousse Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 10
Title Alternate label Class
5740 - Defixio from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object