Cirta - Constantine


Cirta - Constantine





District / Delegation


Prefecture / Province





36.368187, 6.612555

Site's ancient name


Roman province


Territorial context


Item sets

Linked resources

Filter by property

Title Alternate label Class
0614 - Sacra Bellonae from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0629 - Dedication to Caelestis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0630 - Sacerdos Caelestis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0643 - Templum pro veneratione Caelestis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0651 - Dedication to Castor from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0667 - Flamen and Augur from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0668 - Flamen and Augur from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0675 - Dedication to Concordia from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0701 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0731 - Dedication to Draco from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0744 - Dedication to Fortuna from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0745 - Dedication to Fortuna from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0767 - Dedication to Fortuna from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0788 - Dedication to the Genius Augusti from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0800 - Dedication to the Genius Amsigae from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0801 - Dedication to the Genius Augusti from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0802 - Dedication to the Genius Coloniae Cirtae from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0803 - Dedication to the Genius Domus Augustae from from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0804 - Dedication to the Genius Loci from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0805 - Dedication to the Genius Populi from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0806 - Dedication to the Genius Populi from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0922 - Dedication to the Gloria from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0923 - Inscription mentioning Divus Hadrianus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0946 - Dedication to Honor from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0947 - Dedication to Honor and Virtus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0964 - Sacerdos Iunonis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0966 - Sacerdos Iunonis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0989 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
0990 - Dedication to Iuppiter from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1041 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Mater Magna, Apollo and the Dii et Deae from from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1078 - Inscription mentioning Iuppiter, Victoria, Cupido and Silenus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1080 - Dedication to a Lar and Liber from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1086 - Dedication to Liber from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1154 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1159 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1160 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1161 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1162 - Dedication to Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1199 - Dedication to Minerva from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1230 - Dedication to Neptunus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1242 - Epitaph mentioning a Numen from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1264 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Imperatorum from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1274 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Imperatorum from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1287 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Augusti from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1288 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Augusti from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1289 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Augusti from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1290 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Augusti from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1291 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Augusti from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1293 - Inscription mentioning the Numen Augusti from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1325 - Dedication to the Numen Silvani Augusti from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1361- Epitaph mentioning Parcae, Dryades and Lucina from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1365 - Dedication to the Pax Augusti from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1381 - Dedication to Pollux from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1382 - Dedication to Providentia and Numina from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1395 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1396 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1397 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1398 - Sacerdos Saturni from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1399 - Sacerdos Saturni from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1400 - Inscription mentioning Saturnus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1401 - Sacerdotes Saturni from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1402 - Dedication to Saturnus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1522 - Statuae Satyrorum from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1524 - Dedication to Securitas, Indulgentia and Virtus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1525 - Dedication to Securitas, Indulgentia and Virtus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1526 - Dedication to Securitas, Indulgentia and Virtus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1527 - Dedication to Securitas, Indulgentia and Virtus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1546 - Dedication to Silvanus and Mercurius from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1559 - Dedication to Tellus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1569 - Dedication to Venus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1573- Dedication to Venus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1583 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1590 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1624 - Dedication to the Victoria from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1629 - Dedication to the Virtus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1633 - Flamen perpetuus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1634 - Dedication to the Diva Augusta from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1635 - Sacerdos fetialis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1637 - Soldalis Augustalis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1646 - Pontifex from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1649 - Fetialis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1650 - Fetialis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1663 - Flamen perpetuus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1667 - Flamen from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1696 - Spelaeum from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1697 - Capitolium from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1708 - Sacerdotalis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1709 - Sacerdotalis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1711 - Sacerdos Flavialis Titialis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1720 - Templum from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1743 - Inscription mentioning Tartara from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1744 - Dedication to a god Augustus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1745 - Dedication to a god Invictus Augustus from Location Physical Object
1746 - Dedication to Isis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1747 - Dedication to Athena from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1748 - Templum Sittianae from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1749 - Inscription mentioning the gods Superi from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1750 - Sacerdos Urbis Sacrae and Augur from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1751 - Templum from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1752 - Flamen perpetuus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1753 - Flamen from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1754 - Flaminica perpetua from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1755 - Flaminica perpetua from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1756 - Frater Arvalis , Augur and Sodalis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1757 - Votum from from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1758 - Votum from from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1759 - Magister augurum from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1760 - Flamen Quinquennalis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1761 - Flamen perpetuus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1762 - Flamines from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1763 - Pontifex from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1764 - Pontifex from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1765 - Donum from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1766 - Votum from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1767 - Ara from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1768 - Augur from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1769 - Flaminica from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1770 - Dedication from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1771 - Votum from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1772 - Flamen perpetuus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1773 - Sacerdotalis perpetuus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1774 - Sacerdos fetialis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1775 - Votum from from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1776 - Votum from from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1777 - Sacerdos urbis from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1778 - Ara from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1779 - Votum from from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1780 - Votum from from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1781 - Statua and arae duae from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1782 - Visus, Monitus and Donum from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1783 - Inscription mentioning Olympus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1784 - Votum from from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1785 - Argenteum and Capitolium from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1786 - Argenteum and Capitolium from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1787 - Devotus from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1788 - Sacerdos from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
1789 - Sacerdos from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2055 - Coin mentioning Virtus and Honor from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2212 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2213 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2214 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2215 - Dedication to bᶜl and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2216 - Dedication to bᶜl and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2217 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2218 - Dedication to bᶜl ᶜmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2219 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2220 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2221 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2222 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2223 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2224 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2225 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2226 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2227 - Dedication to [bᶜ]l from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2228 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2229 - šmᶜ ᵓt qlᵓ from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2230 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2231 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2232 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2233 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2234 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2235 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2236 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2237 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2238 - Dedication to bᶜl and tynt from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2239 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2240 - šᶜmᶜ qlᵓ from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2241 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2242 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2243 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and [tnt] from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2244 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2245 - Dedication to bᶜl[ from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2246 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tn[t] from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2247 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2248 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2249 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2250 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2251 - Dedication to bᶜl ᵓmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2252 - Dedication to bᶜl ᵓmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2253 - Dedication to bᶜl ᵓmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2254 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2255 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2256 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2257 - Dedication to bᶜl, tnt and d̊hrnm̊ (?) from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2258 - Dedication to bᶜl and d̊hrnm̊ from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2259 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tynt from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2260 - Dedication to [bᶜl ḥmn] from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2261 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2262 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2263 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2264 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2265 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2266 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2267 - Dedication to [bᶜl] ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2268 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2269 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2270 - ndr from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2271 - ym nᶜm from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2272 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2273 - Dedication to bᶜl from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2274 - Dedication to [b]ᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2275 - Dedication to b[ᶜl] from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2276 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2277 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2278 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2279 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2280 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2281 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2282 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2283 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2285 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2286 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2287 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2288 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2289 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2290 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
2291 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Location Physical Object
Topographic context
Title Alternate label Class
2284 - Dedication to bᶜl ḥmn and tnt from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object