
Onomastic attribute


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Divine > Qualitative > Inherent > Substantial

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Onomastic attribute 1
Title Alternate label Class
0038 - Dedication to the Dii Mauri from Altava - Ouled Mimoun Physical Object
0039 - Dedication to the Dii Mauri from Altava - Ouled Mimoun Physical Object
0040 - Dedication to the Dii Maurici from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0041 - Dedication to the Dii from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0042 - Dedication to the Dii Omnipotentes from Satafis - Aïn El Kebira Physical Object
0043 - Dedication to the Dii Omnipotentes from Oran Physical Object
0044 - Dedication to the Dii Mauri from Aïoun Sbiba Physical Object
0046 - Dedication to the Dii Caelestes from Auza - Sour El-Ghozlane Physical Object
0047 - Dedication to the Dii Patrii et Mauri from Zuccabar - Miliana Physical Object
0048 - Dedication to the Dii Patri, the Deae and Fortuna from Zuccabar - Miliana Physical Object
0049 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae, a Numen, Silvanus, Mercurius, Saturnus, Fortuna and Victoria from Rapidum - Djouab Physical Object
0050 - Dedication to the Dii Mauri and the Genii Satafis from Satafis - Aïn El Kebira Physical Object
0051 - Dedication to the Dii Immortales and the Genius Loci from Horrea - Aïn Roua Physical Object
0052 - Dedication to the Dii Fratres and Hospites, the Dii Maurici and the Genius Loci from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0053 - Inscription mentioning the Dii Omnes, a Genius and the Numen Sanctus from Aflou Physical Object
0136 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Tipasa - Tipaza Physical Object
0156 - Antistes Numinis Matris Deum from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0179 - Dedication to the Numina Deorum from Rusguniae - Tamentfoust Physical Object
0420 - Inscription mentioning the oraculum Clarii Apollinis from Iulia Valentia Banasa - Sidi Ali Bou Jenoun Physical Object
0421 - Inscription mentioning the oraculum Clarii Apollinis from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0428 - Inscription mentioning the Dii Patroni from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0687 - Dedication to the Dii Mauri from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
0688 - Dedication to the Dii Campestres from Gemellae - Ourlal Physical Object
0689 - Dedication to the Dii Campestres from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
0690 - Dedication to the Dii Mauri from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
0691 - Dedication to the Dii Mauri from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
0692 - Dedication to the Dii Conservatores from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
0693 - Dedication to the Dii Omnes from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
0694 - Dedication to the Dii Patri from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
0695 - Dedication to the Dii Boni from Oued Athmania Physical Object
0697 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae Omnes from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
0698 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae Ceteri from Mechta Tiouermas Physical Object
0699 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae and Apollo from Aïn Riahi Physical Object
0700 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae and Fortuna from Thamugadi - Timgad Physical Object
0701 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
0702 - Dedication to the Dii Patrii, the Dii Salutares, Iuppiter and Serapis from Aquae Flavianae - El Hamma Physical Object
0703 - Dedication to the Dii Boni from Gens Suburburum Colonorum - Aziz Ben Tellis Physical Object
0704 - Dedication to the Dii Conservatores, Iuppiter, Mercurius, Genius and Torchobol from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
0705 - Dedication to the Dii Boni, Mars and Victoria from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
0706 - Dedication to the Dii Campestres and the Numina Sanctissima from Gemellae - Ourlal Physical Object
0707 - Dedication to the Dii Boni, the Numina Praesentes, Aesculapius and Salus from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
0708 - Dedication to the Dii Boni from Gens Suburburum Colonorum - Aziz Ben Tellis Physical Object
1137 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Diana Veteranorum - Zanat El Beida Physical Object
1138 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Aquae Flavianae - El Hamma Physical Object
1139 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1140 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Cuicul - Djemila Physical Object
1141 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
1142 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
1143 - Dedication to Mater Magna and Attis from Mopti - Oued Deheb Physical Object
1144 - Dedication to Mater Magna and the Domus Divina from Mascula - Khenchela Physical Object
1145 - Dedication to Mater Magna and the Domus Divina from Milev - Mila Physical Object
1935 - Inscription mentioning the dii superi from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
1936 - Inscription mentioning the dii superi from Sigus - Sigus Physical Object
2863 - Templum Matris Magnae from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2877 - Dedication to Mater Deum from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2878 - Dedication to the Dii Augusti from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2879 - Inscription mentioning the Dii Inferiores and the Dii Superiores from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2880 - Dedication to the Dii Lepcis Magnae from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
2962 - Dedication to the dii Augusti from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
3002 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae Consentes from Hippo Regius - Annaba Physical Object
3052 - Dedication to the Dii Augusti from Sustri - Henchir Ben Ergueia Physical Object
3228 - Dedication to Mater Magna and Atis from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3244 - Dedication to the Dii Parentes from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3256 - Dedication to Mater Magna and Attis from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3259 - Inscription mentioning the dii from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3317 - Dedication to Mater Magna and Attis from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3395 - Defixio mentioning the inferi and the dii Manes from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3412 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3413 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3422 - Dedication to Mater Magna and Attis from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3513 - Dedication to the Dii Caesares from Djebel Mansour Physical Object
3693 - Dedication to the dii Augusti from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3705 - Dedication to the Dii Augusti, the Genius Thuggae, Aesculapius, Salus and Victoria from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3725 - Dedication to the Numina deorum Augustorum from Thugga - Dougga Physical Object
3762 - Fana deorum from El-Khrib Physical Object
3827 - Flamen and sacerdos Matris Magnae from Sicca Veneria - Le Kef Physical Object
3832 - Epitaph mentioning the dii superi and inferi from Sicca Veneria - Le Kef Physical Object
3838 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Sicca Veneria - Le Kef Physical Object
3852 - Dedication to the Dii Parentes from Sicca Veneria - Le Kef Physical Object
4702 - Dedication to the Dii Augusti from Limisa - Ksar Lemsa Physical Object
4735 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Lares - Jebel Lorbeus Physical Object
4740 - Augur populi Romani from Madaurus - Mdarouch Physical Object
4882 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
4902 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
4903 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
4915 - Templa Acherusia from Mactaris - Henchir Ghayada Physical Object
4950 - Dedication to Nutrix from Mustis - Henchir Mest Physical Object
4996 - Dedication to the Castores from Mustis - Henchir Mest Physical Object
5064 - Inscription mentioning dii from Ouled el-Djenna Physical Object
5089 - Templum to Mater Magna from Henchir Chabet el-Ressas Physical Object
5132 - Inscription mentioning the Dii Permitentes from Wadi Sawfajjin Physical Object
5165 - Dedication to the Dii from Simitthus - Chemtou Physical Object
5333 - Dedication to the dii patrii and the Numen Imperatoris from Thagora - Taoura Physical Object
5401 - Dedication to the Dii Mauri from Theveste - Tébessa Physical Object
5424 - Visus from Thubursicu Bure - Téboursouk Physical Object
5492 - Dedication to Mater Magna from Utica - Henchir Bou Chateur Physical Object
5522 - Dedication to the Dii Augusti from Henchir Zaktoun Physical Object
5529 - Dedication to Mater Magna and signum Liberi from Zama - Al Jamah Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 2
Title Alternate label Class
0003 - Dedication to Attis, Mater Magna, a Numen and Liber from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0052 - Dedication to the Dii Fratres and Hospites, the Dii Maurici and the Genius Loci from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0109 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii Ceteri from Caesarea - Cherchell Physical Object
0111 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii Fautores from El Bayadh Physical Object
0112 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii et Deae Ceteri from Sitifis - Sétif Physical Object
0113 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii Ceteri from Tiaret Physical Object
0114 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii Ceteri from Rapidum - Djouab Physical Object
0115 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii et Deae Ceteri from Thanaramusa - Berrouaghia Physical Object
0116 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii et Deae Ceteri from Bir Haddada Physical Object
0453 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii Ceteri from Oppidum Novum - Ksar el Kebir Physical Object
0454 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii Ceteri from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0455 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii et Deae Ceteri from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0456 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii et Deae Ceteri from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0457 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii et Deae Ceteri from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0458 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii et Deae Ceteri from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0459 - Dedication to Iuppiter, the Dii et Deae Immortales and the Genius Imperatoris from Volubilis - Ksar Pharaoun Physical Object
0702 - Dedication to the Dii Patrii, the Dii Salutares, Iuppiter and Serapis from Aquae Flavianae - El Hamma Physical Object
0726 - Statuae et Imagines Domus Divinae et Deorum Conservatorum from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1039 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii et Deae Ceteri from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1040 - Dedication to Iuppiter and the Dii et Deae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1041 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Mater Magna, Apollo and the Dii et Deae from from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1103 - Epitaph mentioning Manes and the Dii Caelestes from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1125 - Dedication to Mars and the Dii Campestres from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1126 - Dedication to Mars and the Dii et Deae from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
1564 - Dedication to Terra Mater and Mater Magna from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
1565 - Dedication to Terra Mater and Mater Magna from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
1574 - Dedication to Venus and Mater Magna from Thibilis - Sellaoua Announa Physical Object
2376 - Dedication to a Deus Magnus and the Dii Mibilis from Mididi - Henchir Mided Physical Object
2879 - Inscription mentioning the Dii Inferiores and the Dii Superiores from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
3343 - Inscription mentioning Atlanteus from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3408 - Dedication to Aesculapius from Carthago - Carthage Physical Object
3832 - Epitaph mentioning the dii superi and inferi from Sicca Veneria - Le Kef Physical Object
3916 - Sacerdos Saturni from Enfidha Physical Object
4052 - Dedication to Apollo and the Dii Augusti from Bulla Regia - Hammam Darradji Physical Object
4053 - Dedication to Apollo and the Dii Augusti from Bulla Regia - Hammam Darradji Physical Object
4510 - Inscription mentioning Calliope from Cillium - Kasserine Physical Object
5034 - Dedication to Neptunus and the Numina from Nefidhet el-Mecid Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 3
Title Alternate label Class
0117 - Dedication to Iuppiter, the Genii, the Dii Immortales and Victoriae from Castellum Auziens - Dechra Sidi Chikh Physical Object
0120 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno and the Dii Ceteri from Saldae - Béjaïa Physical Object
0912 - Dedication to a god Gradivus, the Genius Stationis Vazaivitanus and the Diii Conservatores from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
1041 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Mater Magna, Apollo and the Dii et Deae from from Cirta - Constantine Physical Object
1065 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Mars, the Dii Iuvantes and the Genius Stationis Vazanitanae from Statio Vazaivitana - Ouled Rechache Physical Object
1192 - Dedication to Mercurius, Silvanus and the Dii Magni from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
2893 - Dedication to Hercules, Liber and the dii Patrii from Leptis Magna - Lebdah Physical Object
4504 - Dedication to Mars and the Dii Boni from Cillium - Kasserine Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 4
Title Alternate label Class
0118 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuba and the Genius Vanisnesi from Bordj Bou Arréridj Physical Object
0465 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva and the Dii et Deae Immortales from Tingis - Tanger Physical Object
1036 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Aesculapius, Hygia and the Dii Ceteri from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1038 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Aesculapius, Silvanus and the Dii Patrii from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
1057 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva and the Dii et Deae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 7
Title Alternate label Class
1064 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Victoria, Hercules, the Genius Loci and the Dii et Deae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 8
Title Alternate label Class
1059 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Fortuna, Mercurius, Hercules, the Genius Sanctus and the Dii et Deae from Lambaesis - Tazoult Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 9
Title Alternate label Class
0049 - Dedication to the Dii et Deae, a Numen, Silvanus, Mercurius, Saturnus, Fortuna and Victoria from Rapidum - Djouab Physical Object
Onomastic attribute 10
Title Alternate label Class
0261 - Dedication to Sol, Iuppiter, Luna, Iuno, Minerva, Victoria, Mercurius, the Genius Loci and Fors Fortuna from Ksar Chebeul Physical Object
1063 - Dedication to Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Sol, Mithra, Hercules, Mars, Mercurius, the Genius Loci and the Dii et Deae from Diana Veteranorum - Zanat El Beida Physical Object